3~ Trouble at the Temple

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Aang was full of excitement bright and early in the morning. He gushed about his home and it's beauty as he tied the reigns to Appa's horns.

She almost forgot he didn't know what had happened to his people. She couldn't tell him they were all wiped out 100 years ago. She didn't want to break his heart.

"Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home." Katara starts.

"That's why i'm so excited!" Aang flashes a huge smile back at Katara as she helps (Y/n) pack up their stuff onto Appa.

"It's just a lot can change in all that time." (Y/n) says, turning to Aang as he tugs on the rope. "How about you wake up Sokka so we can get moving?"

Aang floats down to the ground to try and get a sleepy Sokka to wake up.

"How are we going to break it to him?" Katara whispers.

(Y/n) sighs, and lets a moment pass before speaking. "I don't know. I don't know if it's best to tell him the truth before we get there, or to wait until he finds the place empty. I don't want to crush him. He's so excited."

They're interrupted by Sokka's screaming and Aang's fit of giggles. "Get it off! Get it off!"

"Great! You're awake. Let's go!" Aang says cheerily as he floats back up to Appa's head.

Sokka crawls lazily up onto the saddle, his sleeping bag barely folded. He flops down, still half asleep.

(Y/n) grabs the sleeping bag out from under him, earning a shriek from Sokka. "Hey! What're you-"

"I'm just gonna fold it!" she says defensively. She folds the bag up in a neat, tight roll before tying it up so it won't unravel. "There."

"Thanks." Sokka mumbles, before laying his head on the roll to use as a pillow. At least, she was pretty sure that 'thanks' was the word she heard.

After travelling for a little while, and once Sokka had woken up from his small nap, (Y/n) heard a small growl. Katara and Aang, who were sitting up at the reigns, hadn't seemed to hear it.

"Hey stomach, be quiet, all right? I'm trying to find us some food." Sokka grunts, before rummaging through a bag for something to eat.

"Oh, so that's what that awful noise was." (Y/n) smirks.

"Ha, ha." Sokka says flatly. As he turns back to the bags, she could swear she saw the corner of his mouth turn up into a small smile.

As he emptied the minimal contents of one of the bags, whatever could have passed as a smile fell from his face. "Hey! Who ate all my blubbered seal jerky?" He narrowed his eyes at (Y/n), already assuming it was her.

"Hey, don't look at me! No way I would eat that stuff."

"Oh, that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry." Aang said over his shoulder.

As Sokka whined about his missing jerky, (Y/n) mouthed 'told ya' to him, which was met with more whining.

"The Patola Mountain range!" Aang calls.

(Y/n) faces forward, and stares in awe at the beautiful tall mountains as they ascend.

"...they killed my mother, and they could have done the same thing to your people." Katara says, just as (Y/n) snaps into their conversation.

I guess she's breaking it to him now.

"Just because no one has seen an airbender doesn't mean the fire nation killed them all! They probably escaped." Aang says, his voice still chipper as ever. "You don't understand Katara. The only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison. And I doubt the fire nation has any flying bison, right Appa?"

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