Chapter 8

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"Well, well, well! Isn't this a surprise! I was wondering when I'd get to meet you!" she said, smiling as she stood up from her seat. Everyone around them panicked, they realized that there were two powerful hedgehogs about to duke it out in the middle of the streets. This hedgehog wasn't anything like he had seen in the past. Even Metal Sonic and Mephiles couldn't compete. She wasn't at all what he thought she would be. But that didn't matter. He was here to put an end to the problem once and for all. However, he had to do it. "Never would've thought that you'd be the result of Project Shadow." she growled before finally walking on the ground again.

"Let's just get this over with." he groaned, getting in defense position. "Ah, you're the kind that gets straight to the point. I like that we can relate to something "brother"!" Luna said.

"I am nothing like you!" he growled. "You're right... you're not." she sneered, teleporting away from his view. Shocked by this, Shadow began looking around, wondering where she headed off to. He started growing frustrated, knowing that she was playing with him now. She may toy with me... but that's not going to stop me! I'm going to get to the bottom of this!

Shadow continued to look around and waited to see if Luna would ever pop up. Instead, Luna had gone to a completely different spot, running up to him. She jumped up to kick him, but he sensed her energy and moved out of the way.

She teleported closer to his side and grabbed his chest fur and took him up into the sky. "You had every opportunity to let me out. AND YOU DIDN'T!" Luna shrieked, kicking him back to the ground. Shadow grunted and looked back at the white hedgehog who continued to fly above him. "I don't know what or who you are. All I know is you're being destructive! And annoying!" he snapped. Luna gritted her teeth and her eyes began glowing completely.

Rage fueled her, allowing her to drag him through the ground. 

He soon used his on chaos energy and blasted Luna away from him. Spitting up dirt from her mouth, Luna summoned teal-colored flames in her hand and blasted fireballs at his face. Shocked by this power, Shadow made an X with his arms and tried to stand in one place. The impact of the flame pushed him back so hard that a whole line was made in the street. "Ugh!" he cried and fell to his knees.

"That's right. Bow down before the true Ultimate Lifeform!" Luna sneered. "You might've been the first one, but that doesn't make you a true Lifeform." Shadow snapped. Angrily, Luna used the telekineses to make rubble and rocks float into the air. "By the time I'm finished with you, you won't remember your name." Luna growled. Knowing this was going to be a difficult fight, Shadow pulled a Chaos Emerald out of his quills. "We'll see about that." he growled.

With that, Luna sent the objects right towards him. Shadow stood firm as the Chaos Emerald glowed brightly. "CHAOS BLAST!" A bright beam went near the large amounts of rubble, breaking all of it into tons of pieces. Luna made the rest of the ground shake under them, causing a major earthquake. Pieces of buildings, trees, and other objects falling towards them.

How can someone almost like me cause more destruction than I can? Shadow wondered as he hopped from object to object trying to catch up to Luna who was waiting for him to perish.

Thinking he was gone, she turned around and began to hover away when something tackled her from behind, taking her to the ground. "Your tricks are cheap ones. Let me show you what a true Lifeform can do." Shadow said, then used his emerald to observed all the energy he needed. He bolted over towards her. "CHAOS CONTROL!" he yelled, the emerald glowing brightly once more. Time slowed down, Luna suddenly couldn't move away from Shadow, unaware of the power she had never crossed before.

Seizing the opportunity, Shadow grabbed Luna by her leather jacket and shoved her against a building wall, making sure she couldn't go anywhere. "There's nowhere to run anymore!" Shadow snapped, grabbed Luna by her throat. "Tell me, how come I've never heard of you before?" he demanded.

Gasping for air, Luna tried to kick him, but she was already running out of breath.

"I-I wouldn't know! How come someone like Gerald and Maria shut me away! Why was I replaced! I had done nothing wrong! It was an accident! BUT THEY PUT ME AWAY!" Luna shouted. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to remember her trauma. "I did everything they asked of me! I did everything without question! Not that it mattered... all because I wasn't what they wanted me to be! I had a destiny... I had everything sorted out for my life... but it was cut short..." she explained.

"What... are you talking about? I've never heard of you in my entire life! How come I'm only hearing about this now? Why wouldn't Maria tell me about you? She told everything that happened before I existed! She wouldn't lie to me!" Shadow cried.

Except... all the ideas seemed legitimate. This isn't possible. It can't be. "Oh, but it is... it's real and the secrets out. You can't escape the truth... Shadow." she growled. "Liar. Maria wouldn't hide something like this." he snapped, pushing her to the ground. "Wanna bet?" Luna questioned, carefully standing up, flipping her quills to one side. "After all, the world has been known to hide secrets before."

Shadow could only stand there, wondering if everything she was saying was the truth.

"Still don't believe me?" she snapped. Nothing. "Fine. Then just take a look. Maybe then you'll understand."

Using the Chaos Emerald by her side, Luna put it close to her side, making her eyes glow again, and then flashed something in Shadow's face.

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