Chapter 5

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On one end, the crew was freaking out about everything that's happening. Making them wonder about what the future holds. Which, leads us to the next era, er, chapter.

It's now in the future. Silver and Blaze are walking around their now peaceful town with Espio who happened to join them for the day. "I never thought the sun was so beautiful." Blaze sighed. "It's nice over on my end. When are you guys coming back to the present?" Espio asked. "Whenever we feel like it to be real." Silver replied. "Is the future that good now?" Espio chuckled. "Yeah, only cause we've never gotten our own precious sun!" Blaze replied.

"I guess you're right." Espio sighed and they continued to doze on the roof of a house.

Unaware of the threat about to reach them, they didn't notice Luna walk through a portal and walk into their lands. Her shoes tapped against the ground as she walked. Looking around the place, Luna hit a couple of buttons on her wristwatch and saw the photos of Blaze and Silver.

The ones she was assigned to get a chaos emerald from. However, Luna wanted to do more than that. Anything to prove that she was more powerful and more enhanced than Shadow will ever be. 

"How is the mission coming along?" Dr. Eggman asked over the watch. "I'm still looking for them, sir. But don't worry, I'll find them soon enough." she replied. "Very well, but hurry. This mission isn't going to complete itself." Eggman replied and signed off.

Luna chuckled to herself and continued to look around. That's when she saw Espio, Blaze, and Silver on the roof, still relaxing. Luna was about to change all of that. "Hey! You three!" she shouted to get their attention. All three sat up and looked at the strange hedgehog they'd never seen before. "Can we help you?" Blaze asked.

"Y-Yes! I do need a little help! I-I hope I'm not causing too much trouble. Oh, I'm so stupid!" Luna stuttered, trying to make herself look as innocent as possible. All three jumped down from the roof and walked over to her. "No worries! How can we help you?" Silver asked her. "W-Well, you see- I'm looking for one of these!" she replied, taking out a picture of the chaos emeralds. "It's super important that I find one!" she added, handing them the picture.

They looked at the picture and realized what she was talking about. "Oh! We've got one of those right here!" Silver said, taking out a chaos emerald from his quills. "What a relief! I'm glad I was able to find one!" Luna gasped as she reached out for it. "Wait a minute, why do you need one anyway?" Blaze asked suspiciously. Luna panicked but tried her best to relax. "My people are very ill from where I come from. We heard a legend that chaos emeralds could heal the sick. Please... I don't want them to die!" she sobbed, tears falling down her cheeks.

Blaze and Silver had some sympathy but Espio was still suspicious. Something was clearly off about this hedgehog.

"What's your name?" he asked. "L-Luna. Why?" Espio looked over at his friends with a look on his face.

"Ever heard or seen this hedgehog?" he asked them. Both shook their heads and then took a better look at the crying Life Form. "But that doesn't mean she doesn't need help." Silver noted.

"That's not the point, how do we know she really needs it!" Espio cried.

"I'm just trying to be nice!" Silver cried.

"He does have a point though. After Mephiles I'm not sure what to think." Blaze replied.

"You guys, can't we just help this one person!" Silver pleaded. "Maybe we should think about it some more." Blaze said. "But maybe she doesn't have time!"

All three continued to argue, leaving Luna there who was starting to get annoyed. It was now or never. In the midst of their arguing, she hovered above the ground before side kicking Silver in the face. "AGH!" he shouted, the emerald slipping through his hands. Luna grabbed it, clutching it close to her side. "I will have to say, he's very naive. Thank goodness you've got companions who have slow reaction time. I was wondering how long I'd actually have to stand there." Luna chuckled, flying above them and out of their grasp.

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