Chapter 4

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Using her powers of teleportation to get back home, Luna walked into Eggman's base, somewhat irritated about being called back so soon.

"I thought you said you needed me to bring back those annoying creatures. Why call me back so soon?" Luna questioned. "You see Luna, in order to successfully complete this mission, I need to know more about you. Mainly because there's one task we need to do before capturing those other rats." he explained. "Okay, I suppose it's only fair." Luna replied and sat back in a chair, crossing one leg over the other.

"What do you want to know?" Eggman sat down in another chair, looking at her with some papers. "Did my grandfather really create you? For what purpose? Why'd he shut you away if he knew you were going to be such a success?" Luna cleared her throat and spoke.

"Gerald did create me. He just made sure the world didn't know anything about me. I was classified information in order to not cause chaos with the government. Not that I couldn't handle them. He told me I had to remain a secret in order for any future projects to get shut down. They didn't want anything to be ruined. My purpose was supposed to help fight off future enemy weapons, to try and protect the world from what might happen next. But more importantly, I was supposed to help protect and save a little girl from a very deadly disease. I was able to balance anything out for her so she wouldn't have to suffer drastically. The cure was supposed to be me. But... I was stuffed inside a tube and prevented me from continuing my tasks." she explained gravely.

Surprised by his discovery, Eggman made sure to include every detail of Luna's information. "I see... how tragic honestly. My cousin Maria died about 50 years ago. No thanks to Shadow." he snapped. "W-Wait... Maria is dead?" she asked shocked. "Oh, right. You were shoved inside a tube longer than Shadow ever was. She died on ARK due to G.U.N agents. Many tried to escape that ship, but it was no use. Everyone was either arrested or shot dead. Maria was one of the unlucky ones." Eggman explained blandly.

Luna couldn't believe it. Her best friend since birth was gone. Never once did she get to say goodbye or hear her precious laugh again. "Why did they shoot her?" she growled.

"Apparently a little 12 year old is a threat to humanity by releasing experiments onto Earth. So they shot her dead. But not before releasing the others into space before they made it to this planet. You should feel lucky, you didn't have to witness it." Eggman explained. "I could've stopped it! But they shut me away..." she sighed.

"I'm still confused, why did they put you away? Couldn't they have tried to learn how to control that energy you have?"

"They could've but they didn't! That's the thing! They didn't try to fix me at all! They just replaced me with that mystery hedgehog I've yet to meet! Do you know how long I've tried to control it and it wasn't my fault? I've tried to be what they asked me to be for years! But what did they do? WHAT DID THEY DO? NOTHING! I was trapped without a voice in a secret room! Before they dumped me on that forsaken island!" she shouted, angry about her past. But tears also fell down her face remembering no one ever came back for her.

Despite everything he just heard, Dr. Eggman knew he could use all of this to his advantage. "There there now, it'll all be worth it. I have a much better plan. We're going to make it all better, we're going to make a stand, and this time... you will get to a part of that future! Doesn't that sound... enticing?" Dr. Eggman replied and gently put Luna in front of a mirror. "Think about it, a better future! One that my grandfather could never create." he said.

Manipulation was the key to his plan. He wanted to make sure Luna would stick by his side to help him with his true sinister idea that he decided to keep to himself.

Now she was hooked. Luna turned around and nodded her head. "I'm ready to continue." she declared.

"Wonderful! And it's good that you're ready. This one might be a challenge since these fellow comrades put up a fight." he replied. "Oh, that won't be a problem. I can handle myself."

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