Chapter 1

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The Four Caballeros were performing at their concert tour in New Orleans.

They were finishing the last song.

Panchito: Aye, aye, aye aye

Jose: Aye aye aye aye

Sam/Donald: Aye aye aye

All: We are the Four Caballeros

We love to sing and to dance and to jump up and down

While we play lots of music

And we listen to everyone screaming out Lou

Oh, the Four Caballeros

Hear them shout out our names

Sam: Sam

Panchito: Panchito

Jose: Jose

Donald: Donald

All: We love to make music

While we wiggle our hips and we dance and we say


Aye caramba

Aye caramba

Do the rumba

A great big musical number by the Four Caballeros

We are the Four Caballeros

We love to sing and to dance and to jump up and down

As we move to the music

Everyone get together and gather around 

When we say

We are the Four Caballeros

Donald: I'm Donald Duck!

All: We love to sing and to play

Donald: I'm Donald Duck!

All: Sam, Panchito, Jose

Donald: And me! Donald Duck!

All: Clap your hands all together and let's hear you say

Viva Four Caballeros!

Viva Four Caballeros

We are the Four Caballeros

And then they got off the stage and sat on a wall to rest.

"Ah, now this is the good life, eh, amigos?" said Jose.

"Yeah, hanging with your best buddies..." Sam said.

"Breathing in that fresh New Orleans air..." said Donald.

"Hmm. I do not know" said Panchito.

He started walking toward the ocean.

"What's the matter, Panchito? You don't like hanging out with us no more?" Sam said.

"You three are the best. It's just that... I do not know. Haven't you ever wondered what goes on in the ocean? It always makes me curious" said Panchito.

"No. Should I have?" said Donald.

"Probably" said Jose.

"You know, I think you're onto something though, Panchito" Sam said.

"Es posible; maybe. It's that whenever I see the ocean as beautiful as this... sometimes I wonder. What is it like under there?" said Panchito.

"Well, there is fish. And coral... it's beautiful down there" said Jose.

"Si, I know, Jose. But what goes on with all that?" said Panchito.

"Why would you wonder that?" said Donald.

"I do not know. But I do" said Panchito.

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