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Jerry had in fact made a name for himself in Paris as a poet. It was surprising to him as to many others especially after he learned to read and write so late, and writing in french was still something that was difficult. Sylvie was becoming a fine young woman and even had suitors lighting up much to her father's dismay. Sitting in the parlour of his home, the fine details and expensive furnishing made him smile at the idea that once upon a time, he was a dirt-covered farmhand who was not good enough for a daughter of a trader. How the tables had turned he thought.

"Sir there is a woman here to see you" Marce, his secretary called from behind him. Jerry had not even realised that the doorman had yet to go home yet.

"Please go home, we can finish in the morning, who is the woman?" Jerry asked again rubbing his sore forehead.

"Madame, what is your name?" Marce asked again, Jerry turned the corner and stood still at the sight of the woman.

"Diana" she replied before turning to smile at Jerry. The smile that had plagued his dreams for many nights. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, her black dress did not. Her husband was dead, seven years later and she was freed. It was a story that was heard many times before with the war ending months before.

"We are not safe in Europe" Jerry added sitting down, everything felt uneasy on this side of the world. He poured himself another glass of wine and handed one to Diana. She spent her time admiring how well he had grown out of his farmer's clothes and into a fitted suit.

"Your family?" she asked again before taking a sip of wine

"My daughter" he clarified. "Did you have more children?" he asked again, feeling strange speaking in English after so long. 

"I had two more, a boy and a girl" Diana explained "They are in Canada. I am to return as well" she explained looking down."My son, he looks like you" she added with a small smile. Jerry stared at her in disbelief, it was a strange thing to think. That their brief moment could lead to something more eternal. "And I have your letter, I keep it with me always. I also bought all your books" she added. Jerry smiled to himself.

"You are as beautiful as I remember" Diana paused and followed his gaze to the fire "The memory that smells like a warm summers breeze" he added before turning back to look at her "the memory of stolen kisses and neat embroidery" He recited his first published poem, entitled the English Rose. It was the first and last poem he wrote about her, and it was one of his most popular. 

"Papa, dinner is ready" a soft voice called from the door. 

"chérie, please meet Diana" Jerry introduced. The girl smiled and scurried away to ask for one more place to be set. This was their last week in Paris, and he had not expected to return to Prince Edward Island with the woman he left it for. 

"Bonjour Sylvie" Diana smiled at the girls' beauty. That moment seemed like a memory as they set sail out of Paris, passing soldiers and military ships. Returning Jerry was certain that his wife would smile at the sight of their daughter, he hoped that her kind and gentle nature would welcome Diana as an old friend. And as they sat in the dining hall of the steamship, that was what they were. Friends. 

"Papa, when shall we arrive?" Sylvie asked impatiently.

"Soon mon chérie, you must practice your English for when we arrive. There will be many people wanting to meet you" Jerry smiled before taking a sip of his tea. Diana nodded and smiled at that. They would return to a grand welcome and the beautiful young lady would be the centre of the festivities.

"I should speak English?" she asked confused "But mémé and pépé speak french?" she asked once again. Jerry laughed.

"ma chérie, your family is much bigger. You shall meet your Aunt Anne and Uncle Gilbert and their children as well" Jerry started. 

"And you will meet your brother" Diana added. Jerry stilled and looked back at Diana shocked. Apprehensively Jerry met his daughter's gaze.

"I did not realise I had a son until Diana arrived," Jerry added.

"He is your son together?" she asked finally. The adults nodded. Diana was shocked at how much this girl knew about the creation of children at so young an age, but Europe was known for being more open on the subject and so was grateful for that fact. "What about my mother?" she asked finally.

"I loved your mother, she passed when she had you. I promised her that I would give you the best life, for her. I met Diana again when you were two, I left for Paris with you after that" 

"Why papa" she asked quickly. It was a lot to handle.

"Because I had fallen in love with your father, and he was protecting me from my husband" Diana added finally. The conversation was bouncing around the table, leaving no time for people to meet. 

"My brother, does he know?" Sylvie asked finally. Jerry looked at Diana wondering the same question.

"Yes," Diana stated in English. Jerry felt his heart clench as he looked down hiding his tears. Diana reached over and gripped his hand "I had to tell him" she whispered. Sylvie sat watching the interaction, she had not known her father to love a woman, and she always presumed it was because of the loss of her mother. She always wondered why his poems always spoke of heartbreak and loss and of new beginnings, and it was because he had known love twice in his life. 

"I can not wait to meet everyone" Sylvie smiled at the two. Jerry reached his other hand to grip her own.  


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