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The next few days were blissful, as she took her morning walk, she looked for any signs that Jerry had been there. It had become their routine of stealing sunrise moments before turning to their distant ways. It gave Diana the strength to muster all of the fake smiles and flirtations at home. "I want to spend more time with you, is that wrong?" Jerry asked as they reached the all too familiar crossroads where Diana would turn to leave.

Diana could feel her heart thudding in her chest, "I do too. But my family are starting to suspect something as it is" she explained looking down the road. "I do not think I can make an excuse to see you even tomorrow morning" she added sadly. 

Looking down the road, Jerry smiled in fond memory before speaking English for the first time that morning "It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account, we shall be more attached to one another." Diana turned suddenly at the extract he had just recited. She smiled fully for the first time. 

"I shall meet you tonight" she glanced between Jerry and the road. "The horse shed by the side of the house. I shall be able to make it there without anyone suspecting a thing" Dianna added reaching out her hand to intertwine their fingers. "I can bare not seeing you tomorrow morning if I am with you tonight" Jerry pulled her closer for a quick kiss before letting her go. Talking a few steps back he waved happily

"See you tonight" he called. Watching his figure disappear, Diana enjoyed her walk, as she began collecting wild raspberries that she spotted on her path. She realised that her small collection of berries would aid in reducing the suspicion of her family that she was bound to walk straight into. She loved that they spoke french together, it was a beautiful reminder and separation from her world and theirs. It was their little oasis that had been created where Diana did not feel out of place or like a fish out of water. 

"How was your walk love?" Simon asked at the door as she arrived. 

"Lovely, the raspberries were ready so I picked a few for you dear" Diana smiled back showing her palm filled with the tiny berries. He smiled and popped one in his mouth before escorting them into the dining room for breakfast. Baby Arabella was brought in, much to her mother's distaste, Diana set about helping the baby with her porridge breakfast. "Mother your roses look lovely this year" Diana added as the conversation began to quieten. "I cannot remember you having a better year" Mrs Barry began smiling at the complements and explaining that they had acquired a new gardener, who was highly recommended. 

"Why don't you make a bouquet for your room dear?" Mrs Berry asked. Diana smiled and wiped the baby's chubby cheeks. Sitting down herself, Diana helped herself to some toast and tea, her eyes watching the babbling baby as she played with her doll. "When can Arabella expect a sibling?" Mrs Berry asked as the table cleared of people and Mrs Berry and her eldest daughter and son-in-law remained. Blushing profusely Diana's eyes widened at such a question.

"Soon I hope" Diana smiled as best she could, "Simon has always longed for a son" Diana added waiting for him to interveene. It was the result of one of their fond conversations at the beginning of their marriage, Simon grew up with five siblings and dreamed of having a big family himself. "But we hope to secure a bigger property, with the way my family's business is progressing I hope we can build a home somewhere" he smiled reaching over to hold Diana's hand.

"Mrs Barry, if we could confide in you. I must say that married life is more difficult than the both of us imagined it to be, pray, do you have any advice?" his words dragged on and each felt like a dagger to Diana's heart ached slowly as she took deep breaths to remain level-headed. She had never confided in her mother for anything and would be damned to start now. She knew the dame Simon was playing and did not appreciate it at all. Diana's eyes flickered to her mother's shocked expression.

"Well, marriage is an arrangement where each should learn to forgive and make sacrifices. But perhaps it starts with having candid conversations with each other about your expectations to find that common ground," she explained before excusing herself. 

"Excuse me" Diana whispered leaving a confused child and a boastful husband behind. Tears welled up in her eyes and she raced towards her room and sat by the window. Placing her hand on the warm glass she wished it were Jerry. In trying to amend their disagreement, Simon was pushing Diana further and further away from him. "tonight" she whispered to herself before the door barged open. Simon walked in with Arabella in his hip.

"I hope you heard what your mother said Diana" he added before ticking the child's foot. "Do you think your mother will forgive us Ari?" Simon asked the child innocently. She hated him for this, for bringing her child into this. He was using her against her. 

"chérie, come to mama" Diana tried, despite the outreached arms, Simon took a step back and shook his head.

"Your mama doesn't love us Ari. She would have forgiven us already if she had" he continued. Trying again and not succeeding she sighed in defeat. 

"Please leave her out of this Simon. She should have her afternoon rest. Please let's just talk about this. I forgive you. I promise it is far behind me" she chanted feeling heartbroken at the things he was whispering to their child. It seemed to be enough for him, as before long a maid arrived to take Aribella for a walk in the buggy. 

"Sit" he patted the spot next to him. "I do not like seeing you upset with me, Diana. I have tolerated your bad behaviour long enough. I tried to be a good husband to you. But alas, it did not work. You shall preform your wifely duties and act like my wife. You will be sleeping in this bed, with me and that is final" he lectured. Diana had never felt as belittled as she had in her entire life. Nodding quickly she focused her attention on her skirt.

"Is that understood?" he asked, wanting to hear confirmation

"Yes Simon, I understand" Diana whispered. The afternoon continued mindlessly as Diana collected Roses for a vase for their room. Being busy trimming and neatening the flowers allowed her mind to be consumed with more than just misery. At that moment she made up her mind that tonight she would see Jerry, and even if it were their final moment together, Diana was determined to make the most of it. As night descended and Simon had fallen asleep, Diana tiptoed outside and into the shed, she claimed up the loft slowly as she had a quilt bundled under her elbow. Jerry sat in the corner and watched her slowly. 

"I didn't think you would come" he started standing up. Without a word she lay out the quilt and brought her robe tighter around her. 

"I had to" she smiled softly into the darkness before leaning closer and pressing a kiss on his lips. Diana had never imagined a night as blissful as this, she had never imagined that her body could experience such pleasure. Before morning she tossed the blanket to the side to collect later and crept into the house to see the maids in the kitchen. She could still feel Jerry's kisses as she requested warm water for a bath. Diana smiled at herself, she was glad to have that moment, it made the act she was heading into all the more bearable. 

With washed hair and brushed she made sure that no straw was hidden as she let her hair dry as she began to dress. From the bed behind her, Simon was beginning to stir and she took a deep breath before sitting on the side of the bed and pressing a kiss on his brow "Good morning" she was able to lift her lips to a smile before standing up to dress their daughter. Before she could leave she felt herself get pulled back and a strong kiss placed carelessly on her lips.

"I like you like this" he smiled stroking her waist. Just where Jerry's hands had been not moments before. Standing up quickly she took a step back before announcing that they were expected downstairs to attend Church with the family. With a grumpy baby, Diana made her way to the carriage to go to church. 

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Stolen Moments (Jerry Baynard X Diana Barry) Anne with an E FanficWhere stories live. Discover now