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Simon assisted his wife out of the carriage and reached in to retrieve the child. It was her first time attending Church and so Diana was a bit apprehensive over how long she would last before getting fussy. Gilbert, Anne and the Cuthberts met the family, and little Aribella was popular in the room as the many ladies came to complement the child. It was not lost on Diana that she was the first to bear a child out of her classmates, and it was evident today.

The service started with Aribella fast asleep, but the drop of a bible cause the little child to burst into tears. Without question, the young mother pushed the buggy out of the church and carefully down the stairs before calming the child with her favourite nursery rhyme, Frère Jacques. Softly rocking the child she sang the french song softly, which caused the fussiness to stop. Placing the child in the cart, Diana looked around not knowing what to do. She didn't wasn't to disrupt again, and so slowly walked around the quiet street. "Sylvie does not last long either" a voice added behind her. After last night she could not misplace that voice. 

"Bonjour Sylvie" Diana smiled crouching down at the young girl who looked just like her father. She was shy but at the sight of another child began to giggle. Diana reached and placed Aribella on the ground. She was certain that they had packed a little mat and lay it on the ground for the girls to play on. "Looks like they are best of friends" Diana smiled putting her hands behind her back. She couldn't trust herself around him, especially with so many people about.

"I will never forget it Diana" Jerry whispered below his breath. 

"Nor will I" she added before picking up some of Aribella's discarded toys and placing them down on the ground, the girls giggled happily. "Sylvie is a beautiful name" Diana added hopelessly trying to pull back memories and emotions from last night. 

"After her mother. My wife died when she gave birth to Sylivie. It was her middle name" the news saddened Diana and she placed a hand on his arm, whispering a quick sorry. She pulled it away on hearing people stream out of the service. 

"She must have been beautiful" Diana smiled tucking her hands away. "But she will grow into a fine little girl I am sure of it" she added noddingly. It made Diana want to help in any way that she could. But Jerry would never accept handouts. Nor would she want to ruin their friendship by offering them. A throat was cleared behind them and Diana cleared her throat and took a step closer to her husband.

"Jerry, this is my husband Simon Husling, Simon this is my friend Jerry Beynard" Diana introduced.

"My wife has never mentioned you" Simon stated rudely. After growing up with rude brothers he was ready for such a strong comment, and so much to Diana's delight and surprise he let out a short laugh. Diana couldn't help but think he had a beautiful smile. 

"Oui, I worked at Green Gables for the Cuthberts as a boy, Diana and Anne were basically sisters so we all grew up together" Diana laughed at his reply and jokingly cautioned him not to tell her husband the details of their childish days.

"We should get going to the Cuthberts" Simon intervened.

"Oui, I am on my way there as well. Sylvie time to go ma chérie" Simon and Diana noticed the nickname he had used and before uttering a word, she dusted the mat and placed Aribella into her buggy. 

"Who's child is that?" Simon asked as they started rolling out towards Green Gables, following the Cuthberts wagon. Jerry sat with Sylvie at the back, Diana was grateful that she couldn't see him from her position as she focused on the conversation.

"His child, his wife passed in childbirth" Diana replied playing with her own daughter. "I hadn't even realised he had been married until we met at Anne's house" she added calculatingly.

"Oh, you didn't mention it dear," Simon asked again, his voice now stern. She detested the sound of it. 

"It was only to drop off something for Anne, today was the first time I conversed with him since we were kids" she added as Green Gables came into view. Hoping out Diana made her way to Anne with her hand gripped by an excited toddler. On spotting the chickens she giggled and tried to walk over by herself. 

"Ahh Diana, just come in when you are ready, Jerry could you collect one of the new hatchlings to show little Aribella, I think she could like that" Marillia smiled at the door before tending to her guests. Anne stood at the window smiling at the bond between mother and child. Gilbert followed and pressed a quick kiss on her shoulder. 

"We should tell them you know" Gilbert whispered, Anne, rolled her eyes and smiled. His hand reached around and held her still flat stomach, and happily, Anne placed her own hand on top. She had only realised it this morning after her monthly bleeding had been two weeks late. 

Jerry placed his own daughter beside Diana before walking into collect a fluffy little chick, they had hatched late and so the Cuthberts would need to keep them inside through the winter. Placing the tiny bird in Diana's hand she let out a soft laugh. "Look Ari" Diana smiled as the girl softly pet the bird. Sylvie began doing the same and before long the chick was chirping on Diana's lap. 

"We should go inside. But Jerry please act as if we only spoke today. Simon is asking too many questions" Diana whispered quickly before going to put the bird inside its cage. Jerry nodded and picked up the two little girls and took them inside. Arabella was not good with strangers but was too excited to care. Following the lot in Diana settled in beside Anne and Gilbert. 

"We have exciting news to share" Gilbert started cathing the whole room off guard. Anne looked between Marillia and Gilbert waiting for a reply "Anne is pregnant" Diana's heart filled with pride as she stood to give her friends warm hugs. Jerry came around and did the same.

"It was about time, Sylvie was getting lonely" Jerry joked, to which they all laughed. Sharing a happy moment for their friends, Diana and Jerrys eyes met with brimming smiles. Little did they realise that in their moment of jubilation, a whirling mind realised the extent of their friendship. Simon was not pleased with this realisation.

Stolen Moments (Jerry Baynard X Diana Barry) Anne with an E FanficWhere stories live. Discover now