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It did not take Diana long before she realised what she had done. Before she could think Diana tied her robe around her waist and rushed into her daughter's room. As If not wanting to awake the child she wrapped her in the blankets and rushed down the stairs, she could hear steps behind her as she raced down the stairs and towards the stables. The stable hand was just about to unsaddle the horse when Diana told him to stop and help her up. Holding the reins securely and her child in the other arm she rode towards Anne's house. The blurry tears clouded her view as she rode into the dark forest. She was grateful to see the yellow lights from the window as she unsaddled and ran towards the door.

The banging ton the door woke Arabella who began to cry from the tightness of Diana's embrace. She could not think to settle the child with tears streaming down her face and her emotions a mess. The door was opened by Gilbert who moved to the side quickly "Anne! Its Diana" Gilbert yelled, the quick pattering of Anne appeared from the staircase. She took Aribella from Diana and coed the child to calm.

"Diana, what is wrong?" Anne hissed over the child.

"Jerry, you have to get him, Simon is going to kill him or worse" Diana worried. Anne looked at Gilbert who nodded and hopped on Diana's horse towards Jerry's house. Gilbert was in a state of confusion, and so once he reached the door and greeted a half-asleep Jerry his heart settled.

"You have to come with me, it Diana" at the sound of Diana, Jerry nodded before poking his head into the house to whisper something in French. He had no choice but to hold onto Gilbert as they galloped towards the house. Everyone was nerves as Gilbert returned, Anne opened the door and let them in.

"I made her some milk and honey to calm her. But she won't tell me anything" she whispered before following Jerry into the room.

"Thank God he did not find you" Diana muttered in French, leaving Anne and Gilbert out of the conversation.

"What happened?" Jerry asked sitting in front of her. Anne could see her friend's eyes fill with tears as she shook her head, it felt a horrible feeling so helpless. Gilbert took Anne's hand and walked into the kitchen to give them some privacy. With Arabella asleep in their bed, they sat there waiting for news.

"I'll make some tea" Gilbert sighed finally.

"He found out" Diana whispers "He knows about it all"

Jerry sighed and looked down "It was selfish of me to think that I could have your affections. I am sorry that this whole mess has happened. We should have stopped it."

"But I needed it. My marriage was unbearable. I do not regret any of it, Jerry. But I am so sorry he found out"

"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know" Diana whispered. "Anne?" she called, perhaps that was the first step. She needed to tell Anne and Gilbert what had transpired before they were affected too. Diana started at the beginning with the train trip, meeting in the forest, Simons threats and meeting Jerry in the stables. Once she finished no one spoke, even Jerry had not realised the truest extent of her unhappiness. Anne tried not to cry, and Gilbert did his best to comfort his wife.

"You can stay here as long as you need" Gilbert announced, they did not have space for so many people but he could not think about sending her home in this condition.

"Did he say anything before you left Diana?" Jerry asked finally. She shook her head.

"After everything, I could not stay to find out. I just knew that I had to get Arabella and you away so that he couldn't hurt you" Diana said placing her empty cup on the table.

Stolen Moments (Jerry Baynard X Diana Barry) Anne with an E FanficWhere stories live. Discover now