Chapter Forty-four

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"Are you going to be okay?"

Lisa's mother seems to be refusing to leave. She's not sure what it is about today, usually her mother is off to work without much fuss but today she seems to linger, almost as if she knows what Lisa has planned.

"I'm going to be fine."

"Why don't you invite Jennie round? You've been round to hers so much these past few weeks."

Lisa decides not to mention that that was exactly what she had planned.


Her mother fixes her with another stare before ducking out of her bedroom door, and finally setting off on her way.

To: Jennie 'Sexy' Kim

Come round?

From: Jennie 'Sexy' Kim

Give me twenty

There's nothing much for Lisa to do as she waits for Jennie to arrive. She straightens her room slightly, tries to make sure that it's not a complete mess and ensures that she looks somewhat presentable.

A knock on the door signals Jennie's arrival and Lisa tries to tame the smile on her face before she pulls open the door.

"Hey," Lisa's voice comes out shyer than expected.

She desperately tries to remind herself to say calm, to be confident. That seems to be the key to today being a success after all. Today is the day Lisa is going to get everything out in the open, is finally going to voice her greatest secret and her greatest fear aloud.

"Hey," Jennie replies.

The other girl is worryingly awake for nine o'clock on a Sunday morning but Lisa decides to roll with it, it was her that decided to invite her round at this time after all. That does not mean that Lisa isn't half asleep, in fact Lisa finds herself constantly having to rub sleep out of her eyes and stifle a yawn in a desperate bid to remain at least semi-conscious.

Jennie steps inside the house without asking, Lisa takes a small step backwards, her back pressed lightly against the wall as Jennie leans in to place a chaste kiss against her lips.

There are so many things that Lisa wishes Jennie could say when she pulls away. I missed you. I want you. I need you.

"Long time no see," Jennie says instead.

"You saw me yesterday."

"I was joking."

There seems to be unwanted tension in the air and Lisa can only attribute it to what today really means. Today is the day, Lisa thinks to herself, today is the day where Jennie Kim will finally decide what she wants, else Lisa is going to decide for her.

The words seem to already have clogged up Lisa's throat, waiting until she builds up the courage to spit them out and so Lisa is silent as she walks down the corridor and leads Jenne into the kitchen behind her.


"I'm good thanks."

Lisa can feel the awkwardness coating her. She's just not sure what to say, how to act. Usually being with Jennie comes naturally to her, she doesn't have to consider what to do, but now Lisa seems to be over thinking the entire situation and it only seems to be making things worse.

All because of three stupid words.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

The words are wrapped around her consciousness. They thread through every thought and linger in every memory. It's not a sudden realisation or a drawn out discovery. It's nothing but a fact, and Lisa has no idea where it has originated from. It could have been before they even became friends, back when the idea of them two of them was nothing more than an impossible dream to help Lisa get through the school day. It could have been when Jennie first kissed her, it could have been that coffee shop on the first day of friendship or the first moment Jennie made it clear that no matter what, they were friends. It could be any number of moments, all blurring into a stream until only one thing is clear.

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