Chapter Nine

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Lisa walks out of her lesson to find Jennie running towards her. She swerves around other students before finally pulling to a stop in front of Lisa. Lisa is about to ask her what the rush is all about when Jennie doubles over and begins to try to catch her breath and holds up a hand towards Lisa making her stop talking.

"I'm sorry I didn't text back," Jennie says through snatched breaths.

"It's fine," Lisa said, "I mean I'm used to it."

"I'm still sorry, I didn't want to be that girl."

"Which girl?"

"The girl who makes you wait. You know how girls talk about the guy who waits ages to text you back just so you begin to doubt whatever you'd said and I didn't want to be doing that and I was worrying and yeah."

"So why didn't you just text me back?" Lisa asks.

"That is a good question Lisa," Jennie says, "blame Mr Jiyoung and some stupid rule about not being allowed to text during lessons. Like what's that even about?"

A small smile graces Lisa's face at that.

"Do you not know how to be sly? Because if you're getting caught then you seriously need to work on your texting during class technique cause yours is currently poor."

"No problem, that's what friends are for."

"Thanks for the words of encouragement."

"I need to get less friends like you then," Jennie says teasingly.


"Just kidding Lili, you're officially awesome now."

"Do I get a certificate?"

"For what?"

"Being officially awesome."

"I'm afraid our funds just don't cover that right now. But you can have the pride of knowing that you're more awesome than everyone else."

"That's shit."

"Well there's just no pleasing some people is there?"

At that moment Rosé appears and gives the two confused looks. It probably doesn't help that they're currently blocking the corridor, forcing people to walk around each other, and that Jennie is still red-faced from running here.

"Do I even want to know what you two are talking about?"

"Probably not," Lisa admits, "you ready to go?"

Rosé murmurs in reply and Lisa chooses to take that as a yes seen as though there is no evidence to suggest otherwise and leads the group out of the doors and down the street.

"Where do you wanna eat then?" Jennie asks.

Lisa stops walking and cocks her head to the side because decisions like this require serious thought. Out of the corner of her eye Lisa can see the other two girls sharing exasperated looks and a rolling of eyes but she elects to ignore them and instead focuses on the dilemma at hand.

"Can we go to that new juice bar?" she asks eventually. "I hear they do good food."

"No," Rosé says holding out a hand to stop Lisa in her tracks, "there is no way I'm eating there. All the food there is weird and y'know, healthy. There's absolutely no way I'm going there for lunch."

"But I wanna go there," Lisa says, "pretty please."

Lisa looks to Jennie for support but Jennie refuses to meet her eye.

"Sorry Lili," Jennie tells her, "but I really need to consume an inordinate amount of calories right now, preferably with lots of sugar involved."

"But guys.."

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