Chapter Thirty-two

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I'm gonna be busy with college again so....super update today!

Not proofed read

Lisa can feel her palms sweating as she stands outside on the pavement. She checks her phone for what seems like the hundredth time in the past five minutes, desperately hoping that Nancy will have suddenly changed her mind. Lisa knows deep down that that's not going to be the case, but she still checks none the less.

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't checking to see if Jennie had texted too. Lisa isn't quite sure exactly what she wants Jennie to say, if there's anything Jennie can say that will help smooth over last night. But Lisa hates the silence between them. Is so used to a constant stream of conversation, be it in real life or through the phone, that her fingers are itching to type out a message. Lisa briefly considers apologising, but she's refusing to give in this time.

You did nothing wrong, Lisa reminds herself, you did nothing wrong.

The words flow through her mind until they coat every single thought. And for once Lisa knows they're true. If Jennie is going to get pissed at Lisa for refusing to take advantage of her then Jennie is a bigger idiot than Lisa thought she was.

Lisa stares up at the sign above her head and tries to plaster a fake smile onto her face before pushing open the door of the shop.

It doesn't take her long to spot Nancy. The other girl is sprawled in one of the corner booths, looking much the same as she did the last time Lisa saw her. Not that that's a memory that Lisa is fond to recall. Her black straight hair looks as soft as before, almond eyes looking up as soon as she hears the bell ring above the door upon Lisa's entry.

Nancy offers up a smile but Lisa does not return it.

You did nothing wrong, Lisa thinks to herself. The line seems to be as applicable here as it is with Jennie.

"Hey," Nancy's voice is confident.

"Hi," Lisa's is not.

Lisa takes a seat opposite Nancy, perching on the edge of the seat. Lisa is prepared to get up and walk away soon, she has no idea how long she can last.

The pair say nothing for a while and Lisa takes the opportunity to analyse the situation. She's surprised to find that any attraction she had to Nancy beforehand has disappeared, replaced by a sense of long-term bitterness, some disappointment and a hell of a lot of fear.

"You okay?"

Lisa gazes at the table top when Nancy begins to speak. She knows she should give a standard answer but she can't help the bite that laces her words when she replies.

"Well you know nobody's pretended to be gay and then screwed me over recently so y'know, I'm pretty good."

Nancy ducks her head in embarrassment before clearing her throat awkwardly.

"That's... uhm, good then I guess."

Silence descends once again; Lisa feels her knee begin to bounce up and down under the table. She has no idea what to say or do, she was expecting Nancy to lead conversation but it appears the other girl is just as lost as she is.

"I'll go grab us something," Nancy says.

Lisa begins to tell Nancy what she wants but is soon cut off.

"Relax Lis, I know what you want."

Lisa is half tempted to change her order just to prove some sort of imaginary point but instead she simply nods. Offers Nancy a half hearted smile of thanks before returning her haze to the table.

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