Chapter Five

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Lisa fidgets nervously in her seat. She's not sure what it is but she can't get comfortable, she's restless and her thoughts feel scattered and she can't decide what she wants to be doing. On the one hand she'd quite like to be snuggled up under her duvet watching NETFLIX but on the other there's something about hanging out with Jennie that makes Lisa happy.

Something to do with her relaxed personality or her unquestioning acceptance or her gummy smile that Lisa can't help to return with a grin. And Lisa most definitely does not like her anymore - because Lisa now realises that was lust rather than anything close to love and well, there are other people for Lisa to lust over - but Lisa is relieved to be able to call Jennie Kim her friend.

But Lisa is restless and her movements do not go unnoticed by Jennie.

"Can you please stop?"-She asks. "I'm trying to decide what to eat and you're distracting me."

"Sorry."-Lisa replies sarcastically. "I didn't realise that you were making such an important decision."

"I don't want to order something I'll regret,you need to choose wisely."

"You take ordering food far too serious."

"Maybe you don't take it seriously enough."

The two of them sat in a small, family-run, Italian restaurant that Jennie picked. It's nice, with a homely feel and the scent of dough and pasta sauce lingers in the air.

"So what's so special about this place?"-Lisa asks Jennie.

Usually Lisa would just assumed that the place serves good food but Jennie was strangely insistent about coming here to the point where Lisa thought she was going to be dragged inside.

"It's my favourite restaurant."-Jennie tells her. "the food is amazing and the staff are really nice. My sister is dating one of the owner's son as well so they have been coming here since I can remember and so I don't think anyone was surprised when they ended up together. They'd been best friends since they met. I always used to throw tantrums because they wouldn't let me play with them."

"So not much has changed then?"-Lisa teases. "I mean you still tend to throw tantrums."

"You're meaner than you look."

"Are you saying I don't look mean?"

"You look like the sort of person that believes in unicorns."

"What the hell was that supposed to mean?"

Jennie just shrugs and refuses to answer Lisa's question. Lisa is ready to interrogate Jennie until she tells Lisa everything but Lisa is stopped from doing so by the arrival of a waiter.

"Jennie!"-the waiter's voice rings out across the restaurant and Lisa finds herself trying to make her body as small as possible so she can hide. "You haven't been here in ages. Last time was a date right? Did things work out?"

"Yeah, that was a bad choice."-Jennie replies.

"Well hopefully you have better company tonight."

"Definitely."-Jennie lock eyes with Lisa and offers her a supportive smile.

"So you'll have the usual then?"


"And you?"-the waiter is turning to Lisa now and Lisa can feel a layer of sweat begin to form on her forehead.

This is the one thing Lisa hates about going out to eat - ordering. It is not that Lisa does not know what to order, she settled on that a long time. It is more that she feels panic rise in her throat at just the thought of ordering, what if she messes it up?

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