Chapter 30

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—Harry POV—

"Don't you think it's a bit odd? How these normal things for us are all just... fantasy entertainment for the Muggles?"

"Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have told Kingsley it wasn't bad? I would assume the fact that they don't think we're real is a good thing," commented Draco.

"I suppose." She sighed, putting her bowl into the sink.

"How can you eat so soon after we already had a meal?" I commented.

"She's eating for two, mate," Ron answered, then Draco:

"It's been four hours. I'm not surprised she's hungry." I squinted at him.

"Anyway, Hermione, what were you saying?"

"I don't know, really. It just feels a bit weird. And, no offense to JK Rowling, but she's off her rocker with it all."

"I think now is as good a time as any to mention that Harry hasn't actually read anything." Hermione widened her eyes after Draco said that. She was staring daggers into me.

"Harry! I told you the notes were important! Did you at least read the notes?!"

"You had notes all over the bloody thing! On the margins, on your sticky notes, flags sticking out of all ends; It was madness!" I shot back in defense. She sighed, leaning over the counter and massaging her forehead with her hands.

Hermione sucked in a breath: "I brought the books; we're sitting and reading them, now."

"Hermione I don't want to read the-"

"Look. You took this investigation. I have done all of the heavy lifting, and the least I ask is for you to bloody read." Hermione was fuming. "There are things in there about-"

"I don't want to know what is where about what! I couldn't give less of a rats arse what she wrote!" I yelled at her, not realizing how her eyes were wide and watery, how even yelling at me and angry, she sounded two seconds from crying.

"Harry James Potter!" Her voice boomed, gaining everyone's attention, even that of the kids. My cheeks grew red, and I clenched my jaw. "You absolute idiot! Don't you get it?! There's no way a Muggle could have gone into such extreme detail. Whichever Wizard or Witch wrote these books and movies, she changed details on purpose, Harry."

Watching the tears leave her eyes made my own sting. Nobody was speaking. "The books are wrong about Voldemort, I wrote it in my notes, and you couldn't give less of a bloody shit that somebody is trying to cover up his motives and... in some sick, twisted way, deluding the Muggles into.. Into..." She finally burst into tears, unable to speak anymore. She composed herself, gulping down breaths and moving a strand of hair out of her face. She looked at me, and, much more softly, spoke again:

"I don't know what they're doing. I don't even know who they are, but something's not right about this whole thing. Especially," She took another gulp of air, "Especially the last book- the battle. It's just... wrong. It- I'm going to bed."

Hermione walked out of the kitchen, slamming the door to the room she was staying in. I could only blink. The kids looked at me, Scorpius kept looking from me to Draco, and Rose was looking from the now closed door, to Ron.

"Rose, how about we explore the hotel, yeah?" Ron offered his hand to Rose, gave me a sharp glance, and they left.

Draco followed suit.

"Scorpius, come on, up. Let's see if they have some ice cream around here. Would you like that?"

For some reason, the sound of him closing the door rang louder in my ears than any other, making my head spin. I put my hands over my face and brought my elbows down to the counter with a surprisingly painful thud.

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