Chapter 29

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—Harry POV—

The park was enormous, and I had never been anywhere like it. None of us had.

We thought we would have to walk to the section of the park that held the mock-Wizarding World before we were to begin noticing things, but to our surprise, we looked no further than the entrance to find swarms of people wearing fake Hogwarts robes and spirit-wear for the different houses. It was a little bit frightening, to be honest.

Teddy's eyes went wide as ever when he spotted the first large attraction. Then, Ron and I spotted it- a green roller coaster track turning in loops. My eyes widened in excitement, and I turned to Ron. we each cracked a grin at each other, before turning to Teddy.

It took convincing, but Ron and I were able to get Hermione to let us enjoy this, instead of just looking at what we needed to look at. That's how Teddy, Scorpius, Rose, Ron, Draco, and I ended up in line to ride the Incredible Hulk.

They made me take off my glasses, so I was holding onto Draco's hand in order to not get entirely lost. Scorpius was more scared than he was letting on, according to Draco, who pointed out that Scorpius was slightly more stiff than usual. Draco was also scared, I noticed- but he played it off as not caring, and only on the ride for Scorpius, who was undoubtedly on the ride for Rose and Teddy. Ron and I couldn't wait to get on. After all, it looks so fun! Who doesn't like fun things?!

Draco screams like a girl.

That much, we learned.

"Draco, I heard you screaming from outside the ride-" Hermione claimed with an amused smile.

"Well that's different! You can hear everybody screaming! How do you know it wasn't someone else screaming?" he defended.

"My ear drums are pretty certain it was you, Draco." I shot back, stifling laughter.

"Dada, Dada, Dada I wanna go that way!" Scorpius kept tugging on Draco's arm, pointing towards many superhero characters. "It looks fun!"

"Scorpius, stop that. We're going now. Only if you stop." Scorpius is very good at following rules, either that, or he really does want to go that way.

It was only a few steps into what looks to be a land of superheroes, that Scorpius' jaw dropped, and he almost tripped over himself in an attempt to run. An enormous cutout of the one and only Spider-Man was sitting in his iconic pose, with his name in giant yellow letters.


"I see it, I see it," Draco replied with a smile. "We have to stay together, remember." I turned to Hermione in response to Draco's words, and without speaking, she knew what I meant to ask.

"Go ahead, you all have fun! I'll stay here with the stuff, probably look around." I smiled at her.

"Yes! You heard her, dad let's go!" He exclaimed, running towards the entrance to the ride. The six of us followed after Scorpius and Draco, whose hand was being unceremoniously tugged towards the ride.

I'd never seen Scorpius so amazed, and that was just in the queue for the ride. He absorbed every bit of information he found, and kept it with him. On the ride, you could see his smile. He was beaming. It made me grow all the more fond of him. I was just captivated by the childlike wonder in him.

It was inside the ride when fire got blown into our faces that I felt Draco tense up beside me, and although he said nothing outwardly, he moved his hand from the rail, shaking fingers looking to intertwine with mine. A glance towards him showed closed eyes, and his body pressing into the seat.

He didn't open his eyes until I told him the whole thing was over.

After the ride, he looked as though he'd seen a ghost, and he promptly ran to the bathroom, where he sicked up in the toilet.

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