chapter ten: percy

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I pull away from Annabeth's hug slowly, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Dinner's going to be ready soon," I say, looking away from her.

"Perce, you okay?" she asks from behind me. I put on a brave face and turn back around.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We should head out and help my mom set the table." She gives me a weird look but follows me out anyway.

"Hey, did the doorbell ring or was I just imagining things?" my mom asks when we walk into the kitchen. I walk up and feel her forehead.

"Mom? Do you need to see a doctor? The doorbell didn't ring." I grab four plates from the cabinet and set them on the table, followed by silverware.

"Paul, dinner!" Mom yells. My stepdad emerges from the hallway leading to Mom's office with Estelle in his arms.

"Chow time?" he asks, setting Estelle in her highchair and grabbing her sippy cup. I glance at Annabeth.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask her.

"Water," she says.

"Oh come on, don't be lame. Juice? Soda? Lemonade?"

"Lemonade, since I'm not allowed to have water." She smirks at me and I walk to the fridge.

"Anyone else want drinks?" Mom and Paul both nod and ask for lemonade, so I pull out the pitcher and four glasses, filing each as high as I can. Mom places the meatballs and pasta on the table and I sit down, Annabeth to my right, Estelle in her highchair to my left.


"We haven't studied at all." Annabeth says as she sits on the floor of the living room playing with Estelle.

"Eh," I answer from my spot on the couch.

"What time is it?" she asks, building a lopsided tower with toddler legos.

"I don't know, probably like 8:30."

"Ugh, I have to go. My dad said that he wants to do 'family stuff' tomorrow, so I should be home early."

"Okay," I walk her out to her car and watch her drive off before going up to my room and shutting the door. Suddenly everything that happened today comes rushing back.

I met my dad. I- I met my dad. Why? Why now? I hate him. I don't want to know him. But now I've seen him. What if he comes back? What if my mom answers the door? What would she do?

I try to steady my breathing, but my emotions were taking over. I feel a tear make its way down my face, and I bury my head in my pillow. I hear my phone ding, but I don't have the energy to answer it, or even look at who it is. Before I can stop them, my tears have soaked my pillowcase, and I roll onto my back. I glance at my alarm clock: 9:47 p.m.

I take a few deep breaths, not knowing how to hold myself together. I give up and let the exhaustion take over, drifting to sleep slowly.


"Hey Percy, are you okay? You've been kind of out of it this week," Mr. Fletcher asks me after class on Friday.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I say, giving him a small smile.

"Well, if you ever need anything, I'm here. Okay?" I thank him and start walking to chemistry. I had been out of it. I didn't know what to do. I kept wondering what my dad had wanted to talk to me about. It had to have been important for him to come see me. I still hadn't told my mom he had come by, and I didn't plan to unless he came around again. I didn't need him in my life. Paul had married my mom when I was in 7th grade, and he had been my father figure for a long time. I don't need Poseidon in my life. I don't want Poseidon in my life.

I wander through my classes for the rest of the day, just like I had all week. At the end of the day, I stumble to my locker, grab my stuff, and walk out to my car. Simple. I drive home and walk up to my room, trying to avoid my mom.

"Hey Perce?" she asks as I'm halfway up the stairs. Dammit.


"Can you come here?" I trudge back down the stairs and into the kitchen where a plate of blue chocolate chip cookies are waiting. Our tradition. "What's wrong?" she asks me.

"Nothing," I respond quickly.

"Percy, I know you. What happened? Was it Annabeth?"

"No, it was Dad." Her face switches to confusion before becoming blank again, and she gestures for me to continue. "On Monday, he came by the house. He asked to see me, but I don't want to see him, so I shut the door in his face."

"Your dad?" I nod, and she grabs my hand. "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Dunno," I answer.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Annabeth. She was here when he came. Do you think he'll come back?"

"Do you want him to?"

"No. I have Paul. I don't need him."

"Okay. It's your choice, Percy. He's never reached out, and you don't have to let him in the one time he does." I nod, having used up all the words I can muster already. She comes around the island and hugs me, and I gratefully accept.

"I have some homework I need to do," I tell her, feeling alot better. My mom is on my side. That's all I need.

"Okay honey. I'm here if you need help." I smile and stand up, heading to the stairs.

"Oh, and Percy?" Mom calls, and I turn around to face her. "Don't forget about family movie night tonight."

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