Chapter 14: Morocco France UK Canada

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Puck was having a great laugh at how awkward everyone felt around an angry and outwitted Finn as they left the restaurant. It had been hard enough talking to him at dinner in front of Mr. Schue, but now the whole thing was becoming a joke and he loved every minute of it.

He was still pushing Artie's chair, so they had to wait for the elevator and by the time they were done everyone else had already cleared out. "So are we going to keep going on your drinking quest?"

Puck couldn't believe Artie would even ask that, "You bet your ass we are man. We got Morocco up next."

"Are they really big on drinking in Morocco? It's an overwhelmingly Islamic state."

Not really positive why that mattered or how Artie knew that, Puck still answered, "Yeah, you're supposed to be able to do every country, so they've got to have something."


As they headed towards the next country Puck wasn't sure what to expect. He knew that they had alcohol, but obviously not what kind. And according to Artie they were all Muslims and he was a Jew. It was like walking into the lion's den.

He did think that it looked stereotypically Islamic walking up to the country and was thankful that the drink stand was right at the front when they got there. He went up to see what they had and was pleased to see that they had a beer called Casablanca. Buying two he headed back to where he left Artie and began to drink his beer.

"Hm, not bad, but nothing special either."

Artie looked at him and asked, "How much beer do you drink that you act like an aficionado?"

Puck laughed, "C'mon man, I drink all the time. It's not my fault most people are gullible as all hell and keep serving a seventeen year old."

"Excuse me? Did I just hear you correctly?"

Puck felt his stomach drop as he turned to see an employee staring right at him. "No, I was just joking man! C'mon I'm definitely 21, look at these guns!"

"Why would you joke about something like that? Don't move, I'm calling security."

Puck watched the cast member walk away and could only curse his rotten luck. "Dude you need to bounce, now."

Puck saw a security guard headed towards him and took off.

Gotta keep

One jump ahead of the breadline

One swing ahead of the sword

I cheat only when I cannot score

Puck looked back as he ran and saw more guards joining in the chase.

One jump ahead of the lawmen

That's all, and that's no joke

These guys don't appreciate my folk

The crowd of parents and children around him were beginning to catch on that he was in trouble and were all staring him down as he ran by.

Riffraff! Street Rat! Scoundrel! Take that!

Just a single drink, guys

Rip him open, take it back, guys

I can take a hint gotta face the facts

You're my only friend Artie!


He ran into a group of girls and realized that it was Quinn, Rachel, Brittany and Santana.

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