Chapter 10: Santana Interlude Be Prepared

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"Fun-bags, get your overly inflated self back here! Sue Sylvester needs to use you as a jumping castle."

Santana felt rage building in her at the continued use of her surgery to mock her. She knew it had been a mistake and she wished that Sue would just let it go. Forcing herself to calm down, she caught Quinn's questioning gaze and shrugged. Looking to Brittany, she said, "Hey Brit, I'll meet you in the room when she's done."

"Okay San."

Watching the two blondes walk away, Santana felt her apprehension grow at what reason Coach would have to keep her back. She had certainly not messed up any of her routine at the competition and she couldn't think of anything else that she had done that would upset Sue.

Unless Sue had somehow learned how serious she and Brittany were becoming. Santana couldn't even begin to imagine what she would do then. She needed to keep them secret, so she could keep their popularity and keep Brittany safe. It was her worst nightmare that Brittany would get abused because of their love, and she would do anything to keep Sue off of them.

"Yes, Coach?"

"S, I have finally come up with a way to destroy Schuester and the rest of his thieving troop of gypsies once and for all, and save the reputation of the Cheerios excellence at the same time."

'Oh, it's just another one of her insane plans to end Glee. Alright, all that worrying for nothing.'

"Okay, what do I have to do?"

"Through the use of the skills I acquired during my time in the military, I have discovered that my Head Cheerio has committed high treason by engaging in a secret affair with one Rachel Berry."

Santana's relief turned over into a queasy nervousness at what Sue would make her do. "Really? Are you sure? 'Cause I don't think Q would risk what she's gotten back since last year."

"Don't question me S, I was just as shocked as you, but this is the truth. Unfortunately we still need Q to win this competition, so I can't drop her ass again. But I will not allow this to continue on my watch."

Santana's happiness for Quinn was gone. She had been reluctant to accept her best friends new relationship for the exact reason that was occurring right now, but she had because it made Quinn happy. Now it was all about to blow up and she didn't want to be caught in the blast.

"What do I need to do?"

"Well S, this must end now, and you are going to make sure it happens. You must do whatever it takes to make sure that Q and Berry are broken up before the next day of competition on Wednesday. This will break Schuester's star and get Q to focus on what is important in life, Me!"

Santana didn't really want to know, but she had to ask, "What happens if I can't get them to break up?"

"Well, I guess I would be looking for three new Cheerios once we get back."

"Three?" Santana didn't want to think Sue would be so cruel to a third party, but she already knew what the threat implied.

"I need you to have motivation and our blonde friend ought to provide that. Plus I'll put you back on top as Head Cheerio. So what are you going to do S?"

There wasn't even a choice. She warned Quinn that it might come to this. "Save Q and break Berry."

"That's what I thought. Now get out of my sight."

Santana turned and walked back into the lobby. She hated Sue for the control that she had over her and the way that she chose to use it. She really hadn't wanted Quinn to be with Berry, but only because she had been worried about Quinn's wellbeing. She might have been a bitch and they might have fought all the time, but she did care for Quinn. She knew what this would do to Quinn if it got out.

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