Chapter 1: Plan Reflection

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William Schuester was wary when he arrived at school on a cool November morning to find a note in his mailbox from Principal Figgins.


Come to my office as soon as you can. I must speak to you about important matters regarding the Glee Club.

Principal Figgins

Any time he had to report to Figgins' office to deal with Glee usually ended in frustration. Only a couple of months earlier, in a similar situation, he had found out that the Glee Club's budget was getting cut for their generally terrible football team. Now he was stuck trying to find some way to go to an invitational to help prepare his kids for Regionals, and their rematch with Vocal Adrenaline, without going over budget.

Unfortunately that was looking like an impossibility without some serious help, so he could only hope that this meeting wasn't more bad news.

Will was so lost in his musings that when he arrived at the office he did not immediately see the bane of glee club's existence, Sue Sylvester, waiting there for him. "Oh good. Now that William and his head full of greased-up curly fries are here, I can find out why I am losing precious time away from planning my sixth consecutive National Championship celebration."

Figgins sat quietly and rolled his eyes at the familiar ranting that occurred all the time in his office. When she was done it took a brief moment before he came back to the genius that was his plan and got excited. "William, I have good news for you and your Glee club! Using some of the funds that I have reassigned from Sue's Cheerio's budget..."

"Which I still say you have no right to do."

"...I have set up something that I believe will benefit the atmosphere around school." Ignoring the outburst and glares he was still receiving from Sue, Figgins continued, "The rivalry that has developed between your two clubs has gotten to be out of control, and it makes no sense! Almost half of the Glee club kids are in the Cheerios! You should be able to get along with each other. But, since you two cannot seem to come together, I have taken it upon myself to come up with a school community building exercise for your two clubs to take part in together."

Sue's outburst was expected and the two men let her go off. "Are you out of your mind Figgins? Do you really think that I will allow William's mediocrity to rub off on my Cheerios? I will not stand for this."

"Sue, calm down. Sir, what exactly does this community building exercise entail?" Will had his own doubts that he could deal with anything that forced him to work together with Sue after the Beiste disaster earlier in the year.

"In two weeks we have the entire week off for the Thanksgiving holiday. During that break the two of you will be taking your clubs on an all expenses paid trip together to a great Christian family environment: Walt Disney World! And while you are there I have found that there are Invitational competitions for both Cheerleading and Glee club while you are there, and I have taken the liberty of signing up both of your squads."

"Ha! As if there is any chance that I will allow my Cheerios to go to a place as terribly family friendly as Walt Disney World. The only places that I would even consider as decent competition spots are Death Valley and the frozen tundra. My Cheerios will not be going anywhere near Mickey Mouse and his ragtag group of loser friends."

Will sat quietly as Sue ranted and thought over the opportunities that this trip provided for Glee. He had been looking for an invitational to compete at, and this one just fell into his lap. Plus there was too much drama going on between the kids than was healthy, and this trip provided him a place to force them to work through it. Looking through it he saw only one negative in the person ranting next to him, but he could always deal with Sue later.

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