Chapter 5

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Ignoring her comment I got out and went into the house. I raced up the stairs and into my room. After dumping my bag on the floor I jumped into my bed and I closed my eyes trying to relax. Soon I felt my self falling asleep with an image of a boy with deep brown eyes in my head.


My peaceful alone time came to an end when I was woke up by someone knocking on my door. What do they want? I opened my door to see my dad standing there.

"Can I come in? He asked.

This is the difference between my parents. My dad has some respect for my personal space and didn't snoop into my life unlike my mom who is constantly checking up on me and being so annoying over protective.

"Sure." I said and opened the door wider for him to come in.

He came and went over to my bed and sat down. I did the same and sat down next to him.

"How was school today?"

I didn't want to go into details of how everything was with my dad and I especially didn't want to tell him about how much I hated it so I simple replied with,

"It was good."

"Was everyone nice. Was there any problems." He kept going.

"Dad it was fine. I talked to a few people and there were no problems so can you please just go back to whatever you were doing cause I have to catch up on the things I missed. "

He just nodded and got up. He went over to my door and before he went out he said. "I'm just trying to be a good father Ari. Please stop pushing us out."

He shut the door and as soon as he left I jut fell back on to the bed and started going over today's events.

I started a new school and I was stared at the whole day. I embarrassed my self in front of everyone in the cafeteria. I was pushed to the ground by a boy named Calum. I talked to that boy named Calum. I spent quite a bit of time thinking about him. During the time I thought of him I had a small argument with my mom. I had a nap and was woken by my dad who tried to converse with me. I told him to get it if my room. He made a comment and quickly left.

Normal enough right? I wish.

I got changed out of my uniform and into my pajamas since it was getting dark. I'm not bothered to take a shower cause I already took one this morning and I'm just not bothered to.

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