Chapter 3

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As the hours went by my boredom increased. This school was as exciting as watching paint dry. The teachers would give us worksheets or make us watch hour long videos which had no relevance to what they said we were learning. I spent my lunch sitting with a bunch of girls who had invited me to sit with them. I was already rude to one person so declining their offer would just add to my guilt.

But I really felt like rethinking my choice when I sat down and got bombarded with questions.

"Is it true you were kicked out form your old school?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Why are you wearing trousers?"

"What's your bra size?"

I really have the worst luck in the world when it comes to choices. Who asks those questions. One it's none of their business and two why do they care.

"I think I'll sit at another table for now."

To my luck they didn't seem to care or take it offensively which made it even easier. I got up and picked up my bag. I made my way around looking around for an empty table and finally found one. Just as I was about to sit down someone shoved past me sending me flying down to the ground. I landed on my butt real hard and when I tried to find out who shoved me I saw that the while cafeteria seemed to be staring at me and they were all siting down making it hard for me to see who did it.

I slowly stood back up and noticed that the eyes were watching my every move. Feeling fed up with all of these stares again I loudly said,

"Will you all stop staring at me. It's quiets annoying you know."

Luckily most people stopped but there was the odd pair of eyes from each side. I straightened up before deciding there was no point staying here I made my way out. I took my time table out of my pocket and saw that I had Maths next. Great. My favorite subject. Not really...

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