Princeton's Imagine: I'm Going to Be a What?

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You and Prince were having a petty fight.

"Why have you been so moody lately? First you wanna cuddle, then you wanna kill me. I can't take it anymore!"

"If your so unhappy, then move out!"

"Maybe I will!"

Prince went upstairs and started packing.

"No Prince wait!! I gotta tell you something."

"What?" He said grabbed his last bag.

"Y- Y-Your go-gonna-" (gco)


You were kinda scared because Prince never yelled at you like that!

"Your gonna be a father! You see."

You lifted your shirt up reveling your bump.

"I'm 2 1/2 months!"

"Really! I'm going to be a father!"

You knew he was excited. He put his bags down and walked over to you. He rubbed your belly.

"I'm going to be a father!" He whispered.

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