13: Level 2

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"I'm a pretty good what?"

You lifted yourself off of him, shifting your position so you weren't even touching him.

Shifting himself, he sat upright furrowing his brow.

"A pretty good actor. Why'd you move? I was pretty comfortable."

You scoffed.

"Yea so was I. Obviously a bit too comfortable." you muttered underneath your breath.

A bit taken aback by your sudden hostility he tried moving a little closer to you again, but you moved back.

"What's wrong? I literally just complimented you."
"So you're acting too?"

He pulled his legs in, now sitting in a criss-cross applesauce position while he ran his hand through his hair.

"I mean yea, that's what this is right? A fake relationship."

You bit your lip, internally telling yourself not to have overreact to what he was saying.

"Yea, fake.." you murmured, turning away from him while standing up.

"where are you going? The movie was just about to get good-"
"I'm gonna get a sprite."

He knew you were lying though, you had a half full can of sprite on the coffee table. So he stood up and followed you.

You walked out of the house, grabbing your keys as you pulled on your coat. He followed behind you.


You'd been walking for a for around 15 minutes, aimlessly wandering. You didn't even know where you were going. You just needed some space. His words kept echoing in your head, and you internally scolded yourself.

There was a reason for your walls. There was a REASON you didn't mindlessly let anyone in. Yet you made an exception for him. Just because he seemed genuine, when in reality he was just a talented ass actor. In a month and a half, you let yourself develop feelings for someone who was just with you for publicity.

You were simply an idiot.

"GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER Y/N!" You yelled at yourself in the middle of the sidewalk. Causing Kenma to flinch.

"You're a grown ass woman, hell you're fucking 21!? You don't need to worry about a man." You yelled out loud, trying to boost your confidence.

"But I'm lonely and I want one."

You facepalmed yourself and soon reached the   convenience store.

The one you and Kageyama would always go to after his practice. Scowling you walked in anyway.

Just to be met with another old friend.

"Long time no see Y/n."

Smiling, you replied.

"Hey Ukai."
"How's life been?"

You walked up and down the isles while talking to him.

"Well I thought it was going pretty well until tonight."
"Oh yea? What happened?"
"Just boy drama. Another guy who I thought cared about me somewhat."

Kenma stood outside listening to the conversation. His expression one of confusion.

"Who's the guy this time?"

You plucked a case of beer off a shelf and stalked to the counter dropping it in front of him.

"Kenma Kozume."

He rung up the case while raising his eyebrows.

"Thought you don't drink?"
"Old habits die hard." You pointed at the half empty case of cigarettes.

𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝘿𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙗𝙤𝙧  (𝘬. 𝘬𝘰𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘦)Where stories live. Discover now