True Comfort ( Asanoya )

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Caregiver Nishinoya, Regressor Asahi


It wasn't unusual for Asahi to experience anxieties to extreme amounts , he would become nervous and paranoid about the world around him, not understanding why his mind wouldn't work properly. For years he would burden himself with it, but after graduating from Karasuno and getting engaged to Yuu Nishinoya , things started sorting out. With the help of the previously mentioned partner , his life began sorting out, his big problems where fading away and the picture of his life was sorting out. But that didn't stop the episodes of panic completely. Now he was sitting in the passenger seat of his car with his fiancé, fidgeting with his hands as his breathing sped up. They had already been driving for five hours , and he was scared it couldn't go on any longer. His mind felt blurry, like a headache was about to come on, and he wasn't even sure why he felt this way.

Nishinoya felt like it was his mission after getting together with Asahi to make his life the best it could be- to treat the other to everything he could, help him through his anxieties, and make everything better for him. That's all he wanted, and that's what he prided himself in doing, especially after he noticed improvement in Asahi's state of mind overtime. Even after beginning to travel around with his fiancé, he didn't notice the same anxiety in the other, which made him feel like the happiest man in the world. Now, though, as he drove, he could tell something wasn't right with his partner. He could hear his labored breathing and basically feel the tension in the air from him. "Asahi? Babe?" He asked, reaching over and putting a hand on the other's leg, "Doing okay?"

Asahi could slowly feel his mind turning to static , he couldn't focus on anything and his brain wanted to break down. It took him a moment to even realize Noya's hand was now on his thigh, he flinched when he realized it was there , shaking his head to try and adjust to the world. " Yeah i'm okay.. I don't know what's even wrong..  " he sighed out , giving a tired sort of laugh to decrease the severity of what was happening inside his head. Because he knew the situation wasn't just surface level , that he had been feeling this static for almost a week. It only made him more nervous to have fibbed about how bad it was.

Even if Asahi was lying to him about the severity, Noya wasn't as oblivious as he might seem. He'd been doing little extra things and paying careful attention to Asahi the entire week, right after he'd noticed him acting a little different. Sighing, he pulled the car over to the side of the road and stopped it so he could talk to Asahi properly without crashing. "I know you're not okay. Why don't you wanna talk, man?" He frowned, tilting his head curiously, "We're gonna be married soon. We should probably talk about our issues at least a little." He reassured him.

Asahi continued to fidget with his hands as Noya spoke to him, he wasn't even sure why he didn't wanna talk to Nishinoya. But then it hit him, he felt like. a burden to his partner , having a constant need to either regress or to cry , even though their love was proven by Nishinoya proposing , he couldn't help but feel like he was a problem. " I just haven't felt well lately.." He answered in barley a whisper. " My brain feels .. like.. static ? Yeah, like radio static. And for some reason everything is scarier .." He answered honestly , almost trying to fight off tears pricking his eyes. Noya gave little encouraging nods as Asahi spoke, wanting him to feel like he was being listened to, and not like he was a burden at all. Because he knew the other felt like that most of the time, and it frustrated Noya the most that none of his actions seemed to change that. He'd never once acted like Asahi was a burden, and yet the other still thought that way in his head. As he explained, Noya suddenly understood, and he felt like an idiot for not realizing sooner. "Asahi... Do you need to regress? I think you do." He said, now feeling like he knew exactly what to do at this point, though he couldn't properly care for him until they got to the hotel.

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