Calming Down (Kagesuga)

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pairing: Kagesuga
Caregiver Suga , Regressor Kageyama

It wasn't like Kageyama to have a good day , and today was no exception , despite the promise that his boyfriend would help him slip into headspace and care for him after school. He couldn't shake it out of his mind. During practice Tsukkishima had made a comment towards how much to ogled over the other setter , how he was ' on his knees' or him. Which only made the close to slipping Kageyama incredibly uncomfortable. As he walked home hand in hand with Suga , there was clearly something wrong , judging by how much he was trembling.
Sugawara himself had no knowledge of the inappropriate comments that had been said to Tobio, having been on the bench at the time, so he didn't know the exact extent of the other's discomfort. In the entry way of the house, Suga helped Kageyama undo the scarf and slip of his coat, doing the same for himself before leading the other up to the bedroom. But he could tell Tobio was extremely uncomfortable and not doing well. He sat him on the bed, "Hey... Sweetness, can you tell papa what's going on?" He asked, his voice like honey.

Tobio and Suga's relationship, though they where boyfriends , was almost entirely asexual, the two romantic with one another and caregiving when seen necessary. So any comments about them behaving in that way made Kageyama uncomfortable to his core , especially in headspace where he was nothing but a small toddler. Sitting with his head down he fidgeted with his two tense hands. " Tsukki .. uhm.. said gross stuff 'bout us.." he grumbled out , his brows furrowed and his hands constantly moving.

It was obvious to Sugawara now why Kageyama had been so uncomfortable, and especially why he'd even stormed off the court. Comments like those ones from Tsukki were things that he knew really got in Kageyama's head and grossed him out, and Sugawara understood. They made him uncomfortable as well, and he put the thought in his head to give Tsukishima a talk as soon as he could. "Oh, honey... That's yucky, but you know that Tsukki's just all mean. We don't need to think about yucky stuff, I promise. Papa's right here." He assured, running a hand through Tobio's hair and attempting to calm him down. "Do you want some warm jammies?"

Kageyama's hands where still clenched into little fists as he explained , not loosening until a hand came to his hair , gently stroking it and purposely calming him, doing it well. The tension in his entire body just seemed to disappear as he leaned into Suga , nodding his head softly. It was quite funny how most of Tobio's clothing he wore in headspace has a certain gentleness about them , contrasting the frequent tantrums and fits.
Sugawara gave a soft smile as he felt Kageyama relax and calm under his touch. When the other nodded, he broke away from him to sift through Tobio's drawers, coming across a blue footed onesie with white dots on it. "This'll keep my baby nice and warm," He spoke aloud as he turned to Kageyama. "Arms up, lovely." He hummed as he grasped the hem of Tobio's shirt. Honestly, caring for Kageyama was one of Suga's favorite things in the world, coddling him like this and seeing his cute little pouts. It always made his day.

Tobio did as he was told , but even with Suga's comfort the comments about his and what he would do to his caregiver made him feel sick. He should've snapped back , he should've started a fight. Even as he was being dressed he couldn't get the image of a fight with Tsukki out of his mind, and he hated how because of what he had said , taking care of Tobio would be a little harder than usual. And Kageyama had no interest in upsetting Sugawara, whenever he did he hated the after feeling , the aching in his chest that told him he was a bad person, he was convinced Suga was much too good for him. " papa.. sorry 'm bad.." He mumbled, clearly trying to fight tears because of how strained his voice was.

Sugawara finished putting Kageyama into his pajamas, zipping them up before hearing that pitiful little comment and how close the other was to tears. "Sweetie, no, no..." He quickly said, kneeling in front of where Tobio was sitting on the edge of the bed. He reached up and cupped the other setter's face, "You are not bad. You're so good for me all the time, I love you so much." He assured, a kind smile on his already kind features. "What makes my love think that you're bad, hm?" He inquired softly, taking Kageyama's hands into his own.

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