Baby ( Ushiten )

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Pairing Ushiten
caregiver Tendou , regressor Ushijima


It wasn't a foreign feeling to Ushiwaka. The fuzziness that creeped into the edges of his brain, or the fact that everything just seemed... simpler. It was something he was ashamed of, especially with the things it made him feel inclined to do, or how it made him act. It only happened when he was stressed or hadn't given into the feeling of it for a while, and at the moment, both of those applied. Usually, school never stressed him out and he got excellent grades, though recently he'd been slipping a little on assignments and getting lower marks than usual. This caused both himself and his teachers to be concerned, but there was reason for it.

The loss to Karasuno. The failure to make it to nationals. It was killing him inside even if no one else could tell. He needed the world to slow down for a moment and allow him to breathe, maybe grieve over his loss as well. But nothing ever stopped, the world kept turning with no concern for how Ushijima felt inside his chest. The heaviness that sat there every time he thought about his blocked spikes.

This time, though, the fuzziness was appearing when he let his mind wander back to it. The want to be held, to cuddle something, to chew or suck on something. It was embarrassing, especially considering that he was at practice at the moment. He'd pushed it away before, though, so what was one more time? Of course, that's not counting how much he'd put it off in recent days. How he hadn't laid in his dorm while Tendou was snoring above him, bunched up his blankets to feel like he was hugging a stuffed toy, and stuck his thumb in his mouth. It always felt therapeutic and he couldn't be sure why.

"Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou asked him, ripping him harshly from his thoughts. Apparently he'd been zoning out, simply staring at the net instead of participating in the spiking drills. "You're off, what's the big deal?" The redhead inquired, getting a little too close to him. He wrung his hands, clenching and unclenching his jaw before relaxing enough to talk to Tendou. Of course the other would be the one to pick up on any of his odd behavior. Most people couldn't.

"I'm alright." Ushiwaka replied simply, preparing to join the drills like he should've minutes prior. Tendou hummed in a way that signified he didn't believe a word from the ace's mouth.

"I'll figure out what's up after practice. If I have to crash into your bunk, I will." He grinned, out of pocket as he always was with the things he said. Ushijima nearly cringed visibly at that. The thought of Tendou looking into his bunk whenever he gave into the vulnerable feeling in his mind made his stomach drop. But then, images flooded his mind unprompted. Ones of Tendou cradling him, running his long fingers through his hair and whispering sweet things. Babying him, practically. It was enough to make the blood rush to his face and ears, and his chest fill with warmth. The problem was how absolutely ridiculous it all was, and he shook his head a little to rid himself of those thoughts.

"I'd prefer if you didn't do that." He finally responded to Tendou, who just chuckled in response.

"What, are you hiding something from me? That'd be bizarre." He said, his smile sly as he placed a hand on Ushiwaka's shoulder, and the ace couldn't understand why Tendou had said that. There were plenty of things the other didn't know about him, though he wasn't hiding those things. This, he was hiding. Because why wouldn't he? It was humiliating.

"Perhaps I am. And perhaps we should finish practice before getting yelled at." He hummed, giving Tendou a sharp look, and that was the last the redhead said on the subject for the rest of practice. But it was obvious that Ushijima was sloppy, and that he wasn't at his best. Everyone noticed it, and he couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring and whispering. It made him want to crawl under a rock. Soon enough, though, practice had ended and he was back at his dorm. He could relax...

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