Chapter 1

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My names Lisa, I'm 16 I'm not the normal 16 year old going out with friends every weekend with a full wardrobe of clothes, going through plenty of boys and at the end of the day coming home to a warm loving household with a hot roasting dinner, NO!

I'm Lisa the alone ugly 16 year old with 1 friend no social life and who has never even set eyes on a boy and doesn't have a home or a loving family to come home to, I live in the grand London central orphanage, I have one friend Hannah from school but we only talk Mondays to Fridays from 9-3, my dad left me, my mum and my older brother when I was 6 and my brother was 10 mum truer to hold it together for us but 4 yeas later it all came crumbling down mam was suffering from depression and other things, while my brother was shipped off to my aunts house while I was sent to this place, nobody wanted me, and that was that now 7 years on nobody still wants me I haven't seen my brother in years, after he left for my aunts she told him to cut his ropes with me and that we would start a better life alone, he was my best friend my only rock, and all I get was 1 letter from him, I was only about 3 weeks in the home It was meant to be only 6 months to let my mother get stable again so she could start looking after us again but she didn't last six months, she didn't even last 6 weeks that one letter that my brother had sent me was telling me that my mum had killed herself, and that I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

So that's what I did I was grieving over my mum, grieving over my bother and father abandoning me, and now I was put in this old, rotten,smelly,damp, rundown, house I was the oldest person here but when I turn 17 I am being put into a flat funded by the government and the home to let myself have a happy and stable life that is if I don't get adopted soon, which I'd highly doubt would happen, who would want a messed up teenager?

As I sat in my room listening to my music which was playing from the corner of my box room there was a knock on the door, I opened it and I was Sally a 14 year old girl who was related to the person who owed the place she was alright I guess bit on the bitchy side tbh, "hey sal what's up" I said with a fake smile. "Lisa ur wanted down stairs by emma something about someone wanting you? I don't know I kinda zoned out" "alright sal thanks" I said as I closed the door then it hit me if I was right someone actually wanted me but why??
I walked down the stairs into the front room which was known as the meeting room, it's where people who wanted to adopt or foster come in here to pick there favorite child but one question why on earth was I here.

I walked in to find emma a dark hair girl who was over who got to leave sitting on front of 2 people a man and woman I'd say in there mid 20s if I'm honest, the man looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it, "ahh Lisa here you are these two lovely people want to adopt you please meet you're new parents Daniel and Georgia, they want to take you in what do u say" I looked at emma and back at the smiling couple "yea ok " I managed to get out after shock took over my body "I guess I'll go pack" I said and turned on my heel I was finally able to leave they looked nice I suppose but that man Daniel I think she called him looked extremely familiar.
I wonder who he was?

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