13: Intermezzo

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Just two dudes having a good time in a relaxed morning, with a tasty brunch and a conversation of girls and good old days.

A small luxury for the two current hottest idols in Nusantara.

Stephanie's, Jakarta

"Remember that time when we filmed Tempestuous in Gunung Kidul area?" Ibanez kept his gaze downward, eyes lingered at nothing in particular. "You injured your wrist and shoulder cushioning my head from a fall that day."

Sean tilted his head. "What's with the sudden trip down memory lane?"

"Nobody noticed how serious it was because you kept flashing smiles here and there, like nothing happened," Ibanez continued, ignoring Sean's typical attempt of diversion, "by the end of the day, they had to take you to the emergency room after you eventually fainted from intense pain."

"I didn't faint," Sean pursed his lips, "you did."

"Was more of a headrush—"


Ibanez snorted a laugh. Sean softly cackled.

"Still. You should've told us when it got bad." There was a funny feeling in Ibanez's chest as he stared at Sean through lowered lids. "Should've told me."

"I know." Sean answered with a smile, albeit wanly.

"I'm not as ignorant as most people think I am, you know," Ibanez bit the inside of his mouth, "I wouldn't have asked you to meet up knowing you'd show up looking like a... a warmed-over shit."

"Ew," Sean scrunched up his nose, "do I seriously look that awful?"

Ibanez couldn't stand not rolling his eyes. "Remind me to buy you a full body mirror by the end of the day."

Sean laughed softly at that and it lightened Ibanez's heart.

"Listen, Bo, and you listen well," Sean began, putting emphasis on Ibanez's much hated childhood nickname. "As much as I'm thankful for the endless stream of jobs these days, I'd always, always, appreciate any chance for a stupid, mundane conversation with people I'm totally cool with. People who genuinely give a damn."

All the retorts Ibanez had prepared on the back of his throat suddenly vanished without a trace. The sincerity reflected on Sean's chocolate orbs was almost blinding and Ibanez couldn't decide whether to hug or throttle the guy.

Settling with neither, Ibanez instead grabbed for the menu and began flipping pages testily. "Don't know about you, but I'm famished. Any recommendations, Masbro?"

Tugging the left corner of his mouth slightly upward, Sean pointed at a section of the menu book. "If you're currently not in any diet regime, I'd suggest the pancake and waffle selection. The one with honey and fried chicken is my personal favorite."

Ibanez proceeded to order exactly that and a cup of hot americano. Meanwhile, Sean went for Stephanie's mushroom omelette.

The dish arrived in record time. Ibanez's order, Stephanie's waffles with honey and golden fried chicken, looked as amazing as advertised.

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