12: Arga & Brama

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Somehow, Sean's sunshine smile becomes less and less bothersome for Ibanez.
Maybe, becoming
Arga for Sean's Brama is not that bad a thing after all.
Then, the filming starts...

MAY & JUNE 2018
Tempestuous Table Read, Training & Filming Session

Suddenly, Sean's smile did not seem all that bothersome anymore.

For the rest of the day, Ibanez managed to learn a few basic things about Sean. Like, once he passed the awkward socializing phase, the guy was actually quite playful.

If most people believed Sean's youthful impression was due to his sweet, innocent smile, Ibanez suspected that it was actually the other way around. To hell with the guy was in fact closer to age thirty than twenty.

Time and time again, Ibanez caught himself falling into easy banter with Sean, regardless whether he liked it or not. Like they were both some grade schoolers. Which was rather bizarre, considering how much Mega Entertainment had enforced age hierarchy to all of its talents.

They fooled around so naturally Ibanez had to remind himself, repeatedly, that Sean had seven years ahead of him, not behind him. Too bad the guy never once gave the impression of seniority off of him. Not when it should matter anyway.

(Brama hurriedly unties the strings of Arga's sandal to examine the snake bite on his right calf. Arga visibly stiffens in response. He vainly tries to scoot away, but Brama firmly holds him still.)

"'Arga, stop squirming! I need to take a look at it.'"

"'I-it's nothing. Leave it be.'"

"'Leave it be my ass. If we don't get it treated quickly, you might lose your leg, or worse.'"

"'It's... ahh... none of your p-problem.'"

(Brama shakes his head exasperatedly but says nothing. Ignoring Arga's muttered protest, Brama opens his mouth and lowers himself to Arga's calf.)

"B-Br-brr-r-rama... what are you—'"

"Hmph... pfft... bwahahahaha... what's with the ignition sound there, Ibanez? You already miss your motorbike so much you want her to be in the drama too?"

"Ugh... shut up."

"You'll do the horses a great favor...'

"God... you're such a riot."

Then, came their twenty days-long intensive pre-filming bootcamp training. Soon, Ibanez found out just how terrifyingly dedicated Sean was to the job. Especially his role.

"Iba—uh, I mean, Arga, did you do any research before taking the role?"

"There's still like, eighteen days before the actual filming."


"You can still call me 'Ibanez', you know?"

"Oh, might as well start now. Getting the gist of it, getting to know the character before the big show..."

"We're only in training period, Sean—"

"Call me Brama."

"Whatever. I'd rather worry about the wireworks on next martial art sessions. Still can't do a backflip without getting tangled..."

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