10: How I Met My Co-Star

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For Ibanez, it feels like only yesterday and a lifetime ago since Tempestuous.
He looks at Sean, and the memories of the time 'before' rushes back again.
Fierce and unbidden.

MAY, 2018
Tempestuous Table Read Session

There were different ways to say 'fuck you'.

There were times when you could say it out loud in someone's face, with the risk of getting kicked in the jewels. Sometimes you would reign your temper upfront, then did the less confrontational 'ef-ing' off-stage, like a good little backstabber that you were. Some other times, you did it by pulling a harsh, verbal U-turn towards the initial direction someone had expected you to take.

Then, there was Ibanez's way.

It was a special occasion where one full-on rejected the comfortable, safe path set up by others, in favor of a far riskier, out of habit, rather controversial, yet potentially satisfying choice. Like taking a major role in a period pendekar drama production adapted from a Boys Love or BL (a.k.a. shonen air, yaoi, slash M/M, whatever people call it these days) original source material.

Ibanez knew there was no way left but his way the moment his management team in Mega Entertainment started fretting, whispering seemingly innocent but secretly malicious concerns to his ears.

"This is a 'pendekar' drama, Ibanez. You know your visual doesn't exactly match the ideal 'classical face archetype'."

"You do know what BL means, right?"

"You remember how Gardaratri was momentarily cancelled back then? We don't even know if Tempestuous will ever get a green light from the National Broadcasting Committee. We can't be sure if it would air at all."

From there, it escalated quickly.

"Are you sure you want to take a role associated with BL story? Well, I'm sure your fangirls wouldn't be too happy about it."

"You've been rejected twice by picture, goddammit! There's no point in live auditioning anymore. Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"I know, this is 'Tenbucks group' we're talking about, but hey, they haven't even had this production house for more than three years. You know what I mean?"

It also always, always, resolved in some kind of pleading or another.

"Please, be reasonable about this, Ibanez. This is not who you are."

"Why don't we sit this one out, huh? There are still many male-lead opportunities ahead."

Ibanez was young, alright, but that did not necessarily mean he was foolish. He deliberately chose the role in the first place for a reason, dammit!

The moment Ibanez got a hold of Tempestuous' script, he just knew this was his once chance to breakaway. Arga's character arc alone was practically a big fat 'f*ck you' to those long been in control over the man's life.

It was a risky move. No one could deny that. But if Gardaratri's unexpected success was anything to go by, this could even prove to be a breakthrough. And wouldn't that be the most satisfying 'fuck you' of them all?

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