Chapter 14.

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At the end of Chapter 13:  Sanem was met by her mother at the door. "Sanem we have to hurry," Mevkibe said as she was rushing around. "There are many things to do to get ready." Sanem had no idea what Mevkibe was talking about. "Ready for what, anne?" she asked. "Well, for tomorrow night, of course. Can will call on us to ask for your hand, and we must be ready." "Can? Tomorrow night? Here? Oh my god, he's really going to do it!"

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the chapter and leave a comment. Are you enjoying the storyline? Don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


Yigit did have a few connections in the publishing world. Some were in Canada and some were even in Italy. He had heard of the publisher working with Sanem on her books. They had the reputation of being one of the best. Yigit called the publishing house hoping to learn about Sanem's schedule for the upcoming launch of her new book. He was informed that her schedule was fully booked for the first three weeks after the book release. In his cunning way, however, Yigit did manage to secure Sanem's itinerary.

"A Writers' Forum in Athens. That's interesting," he thought. Something he would definitely look into. With the wheels already turning in Polen's head, Yigit knew she would make this work. Yigit could register for the same forum, under the premise of finding talent for his new publishing house. Perhaps a little encounter with the "famous and perfect Sanem hanim" would prove to be her downfall. Ah, yes. How perfect Sanem thought she was. It would be fun to show the world how imperfect she really was.

As Can and Sanem made their way to work that morning, neither discussed the engagement party that was to happen that evening. Just the looks between the two said it all. Sanem was anxious but knew everything was ready for their special night. As tradition required, it would have an element of surprise. Can would arrive with Emre and Leyla. Everyone would witness the engagement and the exchange of the rings. Can had already purchased the ring for Sanem and would present it to her that evening. In turn, Sanem would offer Can a traditional gold band to symbolize their upcoming marriage. The time was to be joyous and sacred to celebrate the upcoming union of two people in love.

They went about the day as usual with the focus on planning the cosmetic company's photo shoot. The actual shoot would start the next day and everything had been planned organized. Can's mind wouldn't rest, however, as thoughts of Polen and her threats kept creeping into his head.

After lunch, Sanem and Leyla excused themselves, leaving early so they could get ready for the party. Leyla would help Sanem and her mother that afternoon, then go home and get ready herself. She would return later with Emre and Can. Her mother's best friend and neighbor. Milihat, would also attend the engagement.

Having some time alone, Can decided to call Victor, their new client. Perhaps he could get some information about Polen. Victor answered his call, excited to hear from Can. They exchanged greetings and Can got right to the point.

"Victor, I hope you don't feel this is out of place, but can you tell me what you know about Polen? It has been some time since I last saw her." He briefly filled him in on some of the details of their relationship but did not go into every detail.

Victor replied that Polen had been having some problems over the last several months. Her bad judgement on some things had jeopardized her reputation at the lab. From what he understood, the foundation that supported her lab had threatened to pull their funding if she did not seek professional help.

Can was shocked. Polen had always been an intelligent and level-headed person. Can wondered what had brought about this change. He explained to Victor that Polen had suddenly shown up in Istanbul and had been acting very irrationally. He was concerned about her. Victor appeared somewhat confused. He was under the impression Polen was to go for medical help, and had been given a leave of absence to do just that. They talked briefly about the campaign and then said their goodbyes.

Can was afraid of what had brought Polen to Istanbul. Could she possibly harm Sanem? He decided not to tell Sanem anything about his conversation with Victor. He did not want anything to spoil the evening he had waited for so long. He was definitely going to keep an eye out though, and at least now he had a bit of leverage to work with.

At the end of the day, Can and Emre rushed home to change and pick up Leyla. Can did tell Emre what he had learned from Victor about Polen. Emre was also shocked and concerned to learn that Polen needed medical help. They decided to put it in the back of their minds for now and concentrate on the engagement party.

They arrived right on time at the Aydin home. Everything was perfect. Sanem was preparing the coffee when they arrived. Emre did the honors asking Nihat for Sanem's hand for marriage with Can. Nihat did not hesitate with his answer. He could not be any prouder to claim Can as a son. He was an exceptional young man, just right for his most beloved daughter, Sanem.

The ceremony was everything Can and Sanem hoped it would be. The party after the engagement was open for the whole neighborhood to celebrate the upcoming marriage of their Sanem. The party lasted until late in the night and Can hated to leave. However, the photoshoot for the cosmetic company was the next day and they needed it to go well.

Nihat and Mevkibe left the couple alone to say their goodnights. Sanem hugged Can tightly, reluctant to let him go. Can breathed in her smell for those last few minutes to take in enough to last him until the next morning. The parting was hard for both of them and Can promised to make this the shortest engagement ever. As soon as Sanem was back from her book signing tour, they were getting married immediately. Even if it was just a simple ceremony at the wedding hall. He saw no need to wait because it already seemed like he had been waiting his whole life for her. Sanem agreed. They finally parted with Can promising to pick her up the next morning for the ride to work. Just feeling the ring on his finger made him able to sleep that night. Sanem was almost his.

The next day was fun-filled day as the news of Can and Sanem's engagement caused the Agency office to erupt with happiness. Even Deren wished them well. She knew she had never really had a chance to have Can as her own. It was just not in the cards for her.

The photoshoot surpassed all of their expectations. Sanem was a complete natural when it came to modeling, especially with Can handling the camera. There was not anything they could not do when they worked together. The staff returned to the Agency at the end of the shoot, jubilant with the outcome. Since the presentation was only three days away, there was still a ton of work to do.

As Can and Sanem went into Can's office, they were met by Polen. She had been in his office waiting for him. The mere sight of Polen disturbed Sanem and made her feel ill. Can demanded to know what Polen was doing in his office.

Polen first noticed the ring on Sanem's finger and then saw the one on Can's. She smirked and asked Sanem, "So, you think this ring will get you my man?"

Then she spoke to Can. "I thought you had more insight than this. Can't you see she is using you?" She laughed then and added, "That is OK. Go ahead and have your little fun and games. She is going to cost you your photography career. Hope she is worth it."

Sanem shot a look at Can and could see his anger was beginning to boil. "Was Polen threatening Can's career? How can that be? She would not allow that to happen.

Before Can could say a word, Polen turned and stormed out the door. 


This is a work of Fan Fiction inspired by the characters of "Erkenci Kus". All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written for Can Yaman International by Virginia Dewberry; @grannydew on Wattpad.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.

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