Chapter 10.

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At the end of Chapter 9:  They hurried back to the office, pleased that so many decisions had been made and that the schedule was set. Can would have one week to talk to Nihat and get the ball rolling towards the engagement. He had never felt so much pressure before because everything had to be perfect. As he and Emre walked towards his office, Can saw Sanem pacing the hall. She looked frazzled, not at all herself. They rushed to her asking what was wrong. Sanem spewed out her words, all the while shooting daggers at him. "You have a visitor, Can. In fact, you have two visitors." Can was shocked. "What? Who is it"? Sanem practically shouted back at him. "Well, it is none other than Polen and her brother, Yigit, I didn't even know she had a brother." Can sighed. "Now what?" He looked at Emre, almost in defeat. "I can't have this now."

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the chapter and leave a comment. Are you enjoying the storyline? Don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


Can encircled Sanem with his arms and stroked her hair, and spoke softly and calmly. "Just calm down. There is nothing she can do to us unless we let her. Come on. Let's see what she wants."

Can and Sanem walked down to his office and opened the door. They stood together facing Polen and her brother. Polen quickly came over to Can saying hello and greeting him with an embrace. She introduced her brother, saying, "Yes, Can, this is my brother Yigit. You remember I told you about him. He has lived in Canada for a number of years and is now looking to relocate to Istanbul to be near our mother."

Can nodded an acknowledgment and then turned to Sanem and introduced her to Yigit. They exchanged a cursory welcome. Polen glanced at Sanem. "Sanem my dear, how have you been? I didn't think you were still involved with the Agency. Didn't you start a new life in Chania, or someplace like that?." She smirked with her last words.

Sanem smiled and then answered her. "I did move there for a bit but it was never to start a new life. It was just to renew the one I already had, but thank you for being so interested in my life." Can smiled proudly, knowing Sanem could handle herself against Polen.

Polen explained that their mother had been ill. They were in Istanbul to inquire about a living facility for her. To be close to her, Yigit was interested in opening a publishing office in Istanbul. He was aware of Sanem Aydin, the author, and her bestselling debut book. Yigit added that it was quite an honor to meet her. He hoped to establish a relationship with her and help his new publishing office alone. He went on to say that he was quite mesmerized by her, that she had a unique beauty, and he could just tell she was someone special. His mind was already fuzzy with the anticipation of getting to know her.

Can interrupted. "Polen, may I ask why you are here? It's been a while since we have spoken and I'm not sure why we need to do so now. Do you have a specific topic in mind?" Can's eyes were searching hers with doubt and questions.

Of course, Polem was more than happy to tell Can why she was there. She had recommended his agency to a friend of theirs, and she had recently learned that friend had accepted the Fikri Harika Agency for their advertising campaign. She was there to receive her thanks, and if she had her way about it, to renew their relationship. She had not expected Sanem to be there, so for the time being, she would just concentrate on getting Can to trust her again. They she would get back what she wanted. Sanem had stolen him away from her, and she had no intention of letting her get away with it.

The call Sanem received from Ahmet just then could not have come at a worse time. She knew she had to take his call so she excused herself to answer her phone. Ahmet said he could give her the dates for the Writers' Forum and for the book signing tour and would email all the details to her. He would also let her know as soon as the printing date for her new book had been decided.

Sanem was in a panic. Why did Polen show up now? How would she be able to leave town for a couple of weeks with Polen slinking around Can like a snake? Maybe she had made a mistake accepting everything right now. Was it too soon for she and Can to be separated again? She trusted him but it was plain to see that Polen was a vindictive woman. Sanem believed that Polen's insecurities could make her try anything to get what she wanted.

Sanem returned to Can's office in the middle of Polen vividly telling him a story about one of their mutual friends in London. She was laughing and reached across the desk to pat his arm. When Polen saw Sanem come into the office out of the corner of her eye, she kept her hand on Can's arm just a bit too long. Can quickly stood and moved away from her touch. He pulled a chair for Sanem to his side of the desk right next to him. With a determined look in her eyes and a seemingly demure smile on her face, Sanem sat down next to Can.

Yigit saw this and thought to himself that he was witnessing quite the standoff. "My sister has her work cut out for her if she intends to try and rekindle a romance with this Can Divit." However, the thoughts of being able to pick up the pieces of an interrupted relationship between Can and Sanem had definitely piqued his interest. He was beginning to think his move to Istanbul might just prove to be the best thing he had done.

Can was guarded and not letting Polen get too close. She had belittled Sanem before and he hadn't taken notice then so he needed to be very observant now. The conversation with Polen was becoming a little too personal. To break it, Can asked Yigit about his possible new publishing venture. Yigit provided information about it but let Can know it would not be a new venture. He had been involved with the publishing world for quite some time. He was always looking for new talent and perhaps even an established writer who might be looking for a change. He told Sanem what a fan he was of her writing, that he thought she had one of the best writing styles he had ever seen. He stated sincerely, "Sanem, I would love to work with you at some point. Your talent is so natural and honest. If you have any reservations about the publisher you are working with now, please, I would be more than happy to take you on as a client."

Sanem thanked him but assured him she was completely satisfied with the group she was working with. Can saw the look in Yigit's eyes as he talked to Sanem and it pushed him into defensive mode. He quickly stepped in telling Yigit that all of Sanem's needs were being met.

Polen was taking it all in and the wheels in her head were turning. This situation might just come in handy later. She could see the glint in her brother's eyes when he looked at Sanem. How perfect, she thought. If there was anything she had learned over the years, it was to always trust your first instincts.

To get Can back, she would first need to distract Sanem. Maybe with a person who could shower her with a wealth of attention and offer her all the dreams she had of becoming a famous writer. Who else to do that but a loving brother that would do anything for his sister? This naive little girl from the district would not know what hit her... until it was too late.


This is a work of Fan Fiction inspired by the characters of "Erkenci Kus". All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written for Can Yaman International by Virginia Dewberry; @grannydew on Wattpad.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.

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