Chapter 12.

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At the end of Chapter 11:  Can kissed her cheek. "Let them just try and keep me away. Yes, I would not miss it for the world." Sanem gently kissed him. It refreshed her and made her feel strong. She knew Can was hers and hers alone, but the loneliness she would feel not being in his arms was already causing her to panic. With Polen here, she would need to pull all the trust she had to the front of her mind. Let her soul be in control of her heart. This was her time, and she knew Can would be there for her... no matter what.

(Author's Note: Please read to the end of the chapter and leave a comment. Are you enjoying the storyline? Don't forget to vote too. Thank you!)


After the trying day they had just had, Can thought it would be a great idea to go to the mountain cabin. They would cook their dinner on the open fire and lay under the stars. Alone, just the two of them, with no other distractions. It would recharge them and allow them to process and accept the changes happening in their lives.

He called Mevkibe and asked permission to whisk away her daughter for the evening. Can explained the events of the day and how Sanem was feeling. Of course, Mevkibe understood and could not deny Can's request. She had a very tender spot for him in her heart. She wondered how any mother could possibly leave a child behind, as Can's mother had done, and never contact him for so many years. It caused her great pain for Can and she would do anything for him that he asked of her.

The evening was perfect. It was cool enough for a fire and just right for snuggling under some cozy blankets. Sanem talked about the Writers' Forum and how excited she was to have been invited. It was an author's dream to be included in such a program. From what she understood, there would be authors from all genres there. The book signing to follow would just be the icing on the cake, and she was glad to be returning to the same bookstore.

Can listened intently to her, feeling proud yet sad at the same time. Sanem had such ambition and drive. It would be hard to hold her back. He remembered feeling the same way when he started his photography business. He could not get enough of it but now, his priorities had changed. Although he still loves his photography, it is Sanem that he cannot get enough of. He would always remain a strong supporter.

They discussed all their plans. How long Sanem thought it would be necessary for her to go away on the book tours. How many Writers' Forums she might be destined to be invited to attend. All the different things that would rule how they lived their lives and when hen they would start their family. They both wanted a big family so the timing had to be right. Can was along for the ride, and what a ride it would be. This lovely and special woman had captured him and made his life a wonderful thing.

Before they knew it, it was late and Sanem needed to go home. It was that time again. The time that Can hated. But tomorrow he would talk to Nihat and the engagement would be set. Then there was a photoshoot later in the week so it would be a very packed week. He hoped there would not be any other distractions from Polen or her sleazy brother. That would be all they needed. He dropped Sanem off in front of her house and drove home. He was tired and ready for a good night's sleep, but this would not be the case.

Can had barely made it inside at home when there was a knock on his door. Knowing Emre and Leyla here out for the evening, he expected that Emre had probably forgotten his key. He opened the door to find Polen staring back at him. Surprised, he squinted his eyes and said, "Polen, excuse me, but what are you doing here? We said all there was to say today in my office."

Polen boldly pushed past him and made her way into the living room. Can was in shock. "This woman is getting on my last nerve," he thought. She immediately took off her jacket and sat down, looking at him as if waiting for an explanation.

In a very serious tone, she asked, "What was Sanem doing at the agency today? I thought you two split up. She went off to Greece and you went to the Balkan Mountains. What happened, Can? Did she come crying back to Istanbul as soon as you got home?" Her voice then took on a high-pitched squeal. "Can, are you going to answer me?"

Can was stunned but finally said. "I owe you nothing, Polen, and certainly not an explanation of my private life. Why would you think I did anyway? We were over long before I even said it was over."

Polen walked over to the bar and poured herself a drink. She turned to Can. "So, that night in London when you came back from your photo shoot. Why didn't you tell me then it was over? I waited for you at my apartment. What was I to think? You left her and took the job I got you. I thought it was to be with me."

Can swung around and stared into her eyes. "That you got me? Are you sure about that, Polen? My talent and my ability got me that job, not you. There is really nothing to talk about. You need to leave."

Polen positioned herself on the sofa and sipped on her drink. Can was exhausted and ready for bed but getting Polen to leave seemed to be impossible. He sighed then politely said, "Polen, our relationship was over long ago. Please do not make yourself look pathetic by holding onto an empty future."

She smiled. "Can, my future is with you. Sanem will be the one left alone, that is if you want to ever have a photography career again. I have a lot of contacts in that circle. It would only take a couple of phone calls and a bad review to cause you to lose face. With the episode that already happened in your career, another incident could be too much. I will let you think about it for a while. Who can benefit you more? Sanem of me?"

Can's anger was surrendering to his better judgement and a volcano was about to erupt, went Emre and Leyla walked in the door. Polen quickly changed her demeanor and stood to leave. She briefly acknowledged Emre but virtually ignored Leyla. She looked at Can, telling him to think about what she said then nodded and walked out the door.

Emre and Leyla both questioned Can about what had happened, but he was too angry to explain very clearly. So many thoughts were running through his mind and he began to vent about what was going on in his head.

Was their new Agency client just another ploy in Polen's bag of tricks to make him dependent on her? Emre was confused as to the purpose of Polen's actions. She would ruin his career just for the sake of having Can? What about Sanem? How far would Polen go? Could she possibly cause Sanem to run away? Can's rants were not making any sense and Leyla was concerned for her sister. He hoped Polen would leave them alone and return to London. It took a while for Can to calm down and be able to think logically. He felt sure the new client was not working under Polen's direction, so Emre suggested they continue as if nothing happened.

Can then declared, "I am going to talk to Nihat tomorrow and ask for permission to marry Sanem and set our engagement date. I want to get this done before Sanem leaves in a couple of weeks. I will not let Polen cause a scene. I told Sanem I would not let anything or anyone come between us, and I mean that." 


This is a work of Fan Fiction inspired by the characters of "Erkenci Kus". All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written for Can Yaman International by Virginia Dewberry; @grannydew on Wattpad.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.

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