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I got up , and walked out. It didn't comprehend , it just didn't. Your own daughter? just the thought made me absolutely sick....

I grabbed my keys , opened the front door and walked out.

on the way walking to my car all I could do was cry , cry , and cry. My sister.. I'm her guardian , I'm suppose to guard her with all cost... I let her down.

30 minutes later...

I knocked on the door , I stood there patiently waiting until I heard the noise of locks being unlocked , I looked up and there was Dee.. live in the flesh.

tears were running down my face , a look of worry covered his face " what's wrong " he spoke while grabbing me up and embracing me into his chest , he shut the door and walked all the way to the living room with me.

He sat me down , and I just sat with my face in my hands , he walked away for a moment then came back with a box of tissues , I smiled " thank you".

" now what's wrong " he spoke while sitting next to me , putting his arm on the head rest.

" well basically Ming told me that my dad was touching on her , and I lost it" , it was a uneasy silence , he moved his arm and looked at me

" he what ?" He asked , " touched her " I replied.

I started crying , breaking down. " I feel like I let her down , I let her down. " I sobbed , he grabbed me and started hugging me. His punk soft lips pecked my forehead. " it's alright , I got you. " he spoke , " I got y'all " he reassured. I looked up with teary eyes , and laid my hand on my face , pulling him into a kiss , it lasted about 30 seconds , then I pulled away. Shocked , he smirked and yanked me back to his face and kissed me more.

In the mist of us kissing , my phone rung. I broke the kiss , he just looked at my phone. It was benji , I answered " hello " , benji in a frantic tone spoke " um.. um... um.. " I furrowed my eyebrows " what benj " , " Ming is bleeding everywhere , she's bleeding from her wr-wrist " he stuttered , I gasped , " get a towel & wrap it around her wrist , call 911 now " I trembled. " what's going on ?" Dee asked getting up with me , I grabbed my stuff and started to jog to the door , " m-Ming , she tried to commit " he stood there in shock. " I'm going with you " he spoke , I nodded , we headed out the door and into my car we go

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