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today's Thursday & the day I have to pick the kids up , neese was in the back seat as we waited in my dads drive way. Ming came out with her pink duffel bag , then came along benji & he was holding his backpack.
They both got in , Ming in front , and benji in the back .
" hey guys " I greeted while backing out , benji said hey , & Ming said hi.. but not in her usual tone. More of a sadden tone? I've raised Ming & benji 8 & up so I know when somethings going on. I looked over while I sat at the light , Ming had a mark on her shoulder , I was curious but didn't wanna say anything. I wanted to wait till I got home anyways.

We pulled up in the drive way & before I could even park the car , Ming hopped out with her duffel bag & ran up to the door & stood there , " what the fuck is your problem Ming " I shouted , now parking the car & taking the keys out . I got out , & walked to the door face to face with Ming , " what the fuck is up" I said looking at her putting the keys in the door. Tears welted up in her eyes as she pushed open the door before I could , benji had got agnes out & was approaching already.

I sat in the living room with agnes & benji , the shower was running & I'm assuming mings in the shower. " yo benji what's wrong with ming" I spoke looking over at benji who was taking his PlayStation out his book bag " I don't know honestly , she's been distant since we've been over dads " he shrugged , getting up & walking to his room with his playstation in his hand.

I wondered if something happened , it was around 9:00 , I made chicken , peas , and mash potatoes. I placed the plates on the table & yelled " foods ready. " agnes came first , then benji , & Ming slowly approached.

she had a big hoodie on with leggings , she usually wears a tank top & shorts. What's the sudden difference of pajama choice??

We sat & ate in silence , agnes broke the silence with telling us about her school " guys my teacher said we are having a celebration for our hard work" I nodded & smiled putting my fork down then speaking " what are you guys getting for your hard work " , agnes tilted her head & sat up " we get pizza , juices , candy , movies , and chips. " she smiled , benji got up & put his plate in the sink " goodnight guys " he said waving us off. I said it back , Ming sat up & put her plate in the sink.

I put agnes to bed , I assumed benji was sleep so I left that alone , I crept to mings room & slowly opened her door. She was laying down and faced to the wall , I flicked her light on and she sat up. I tilted my head , smiled , and shut the door behind me. I sat on the end of the bed , and we just sat in silence.

I broke the silence as I spoke " so what's going on " , Ming looked up then shook her head. I smirked " girl I've had you & benji since 8 & up , I know when something wrong, same with agnes ".

she started sniffling , & then she spoke " d-d- dad " I furrowed my eyebrows , I felt that she was gonna say bad news. " take your time " I calmly reassured.
" he touched me " she sobbed while falling into my lap , I couldn't believe it. No way. There's just no way. I started rubbing her head , I slowly broke down myself. How could he? His own daughter ? What kinda sick individual...

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