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y/c/n = Your Cute Nickname

You end up waking up on your own, getting up and dressed to run the maze again. You leave your hut seeing Thomas by the doors as well. "Thomas is gonna be running with us since Alby's out for now." Minho says clearing it up for you. "Ok welcome to the running club Tommy." You say as Minho cracks a smile at the nickname. 

You all start running mapping out the way you and Minho have been mapping out for the past 3 days. You were surprised on how good Thomas was keeping up. Apparently Minho was thinking the same thing. "Well Thomas you might be a greenie but you almost got the guts to be a runner." He says as you guys turn a corner. "Greenies?" Thomas asked. "It's means your the Greanbean of the Glade. The Newbie." You say answering the questions. "Any other 'slang' I should know of?" He asked, you knowing the answer.

"Klunk means poop or crap. Shank mean friends or fellow but can also mean idiot it just matters what sentence you put it in. Shuck is kind of what you use to show frustration and that but you can also use it as an object I guess? Like for example "You've got the shucks to be a runner." Like that. Slim it basically means shut up or be quite. Slinthead means idiot, air head, stupid, dumbass things like that. Good that means that you agree with something someone said. Jacked is something you would call someone that is messed up in the head and Deadheads is the graveyard in the south west end of the Glade."

By this point you guys stopped running. Thomas is trying to remember everything that you said as Minho on the other hand is astonished about what you already knew about the slang. 'Dang, she is observant." Minho thought in his head.  

In the moment of awe you all hear the sound of gears changing. You look out to see the blades moving. You yell at them to start running and they do. You guys run as fast as possible you ahead of both of them. "COME ON THOMAS!" You and Minho yell as Thomas is trying to out run the blades to jump to the side that you and Minho are on. He jumps but catches his side on one of the blades but keeps running. You guys run making it back to the maze area and out of the blades. You take off the sweater you are wearing and tie it around Thomas's gash on his back side. 

You are helping Minho help Thomas to walk but you all notice the maze changing behind you. "The maze is closing early." Minho says trying his hardest to run with Thomas. You join him. You are all making it to the doors as they start closing. 'We aren't gonna make it.' You think to yourself. You are right in front of the doors but you are holding them back. In a moment of stress you push Thomas and Minho through just in time as they close. You were happy to save them but scared of what the nigh has to offer you.

You have been running for what you think 4 hours trying to find a spot with big enough vines to hide in but you've had no luck.

You hear a low growl as you look behind you to see a griever running full force at you. You start running as fast as you possibly can in the other direction. You start taking random turns not even trying to remember the pattern. You come to a drop. Turning to see the griever walking towards you. You run up and jump to the vines on the other side of the drop, the griever following your actions and landing with you between its legs. You start climbing and sliding to confuse it. You eventually slide down catching the griever in all the vines. What you didn't know is that you didn't catch it's stinger. You feel a painful stab go into your side stomach. You look to see the grievers sting inside of you. You pull it out trying you hardest not to pass out.

You start running noticing the daylight forming above you. You run and turn to see the doors opened and everyone walking away from it. You run out, "H-HELP!" You say as you start running out. Everyone runs back as Minho runs and try's to help you stand up but you push him away. You are scared that you're going to attack him. You look up to everyone as they see your shirt covered with blood and your veins becoming visible, along with you eyes turning black. 

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