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You wake up seeing that you're one of the first up apart from Minho and a couple others.

You get up going to explore the woods until everyone else is awake and ready to have the council meeting that they didn't do yesterday.

You found a tree that was perfect to climb in. So that's exactly what you did. You climbed it to the perfect branch. Not enough to see the maze, but enough to see the beautiful sun rise.

You must have been up there for longer then you thought since you heard everyone waking up. So you got down and started to walk over to the council hall.

"Ok. The box coming up this early is new. Along with having 2 people." Gally says as everyone sits down.

"All this has been happening since y/n got here." You look at him with confused eyes. "I don't know what I'm trying to say just yet but something is going on." He says.

"Meeting over." He says everyone getting up and leaving.

Everyone just got outside as it started to rain. Everyone went under the 'kitchen' but you and Chuck both went and laid out in the rain. "Me and my sister used to do this when it rained." He says looking into your eyes, water running down his face. 

"Me and brother too." You say smiling at him.

"Why are they sitting out there? They're going to get a cold." Newt said worried.

"If they do it's their fault." Teresa said shrugging it off.

The rain soon stopped as you and Chuck go to get changed. Chuck into his normal clothes and you into what the box sent you up. Camo cargo pants and black t-shirt with long gloves and black boots.

You run out to everyone walking over to the maze doors. Your in front of everyone. The doors start closing as Chuck points out Minho and Alby. 

"No, Somethings wrong with Alby." Newt said trying to look closer.

"They aren't going to make it." Zart said. We all start yelling at Minho.

The doors are closing. Panic is getting to you. You have the opportunity to try and save someone's life. The question is, do you take it?

In a panicked moment you run into the maze, Newt trying to grab your arm but fails. You stumble onto the ground.

"Good job." Minho starts. "You just killed yourself." he says out of breathe.

He gets up and starts slowly walking. "We can't just leave him." You say to him. He turns back around. After a moment of silence he starts to walk away again.

"PLEASE, WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" You beg him. He's shocked at you yelling at him. He gives in and helps you carry him.

"We can put him up there so the grievers don't get him." He says as you grab the vines starting to tie him up by the stomach. Once you get him up there you just sit on the side of the wall.

"What was your life before the maze?" He asked you.

"From what I remember. I have a younger brother and an older brother to be honest you kind of remind me of. Smart, Brave, Fast, Sassy." You say to him.

"And I had a sister but she um- died, with my father in a car crash that I so happened to be in the car as well. Being the only survivor." You say holding back tears.

He embraces you into a hug as you cry into his shoulder. You both suddenly hear a screech of a griever. Minho grabbed you and hid in the vines putting his hand over your mouth. You see the grievers legs walk right in front of you. Your eyes widen at the sight.

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