Part 3

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Guys, I am a horrible person. Sorry for updating so late but exams are a headache.
So here you go.

[Tower dungeon]
(The Doctor is still scratching his message.)

WARRIOR: Who is Rose?


WARRIOR: In theory, I can trigger an isolated sonic shift among the molecules, and the door should disintegrate.

DOCTOR 10: We'd have to calculate the exact harmonic resonance of the entire structure down to a sub-atomic level. Even the sonic would take years.

WARRIOR: No, no, the sonic would take centuries. Oh, we might as well get started. Help to pass the timey-wimey. Do you have to talk like children? What is it that makes you so ashamed of being a grown up? Oh, the way you both look at me. What is that? I'm trying to think of a better word than dread.

DOCTOR 10: It must be really recent for you.

WARRIOR: Recent?

DOCTOR: The Time War. The last day. The day we killed them all.

MOMENT: It's history for them. All decided. They think their future is real. They don't know it's still up to you.

WARRIOR: I don't talk about it.

DOCTOR 10: You're not talking about it. There's no one else here.

MOMENT: Go on, ask them. Ask them what you need to know.

WARRIOR: Did you ever count?

DOCTOR: Count what?

WARRIOR: How many children there were on Gallifrey that day.

(The Doctor stops his scratching.)

DOCTOR: I have absolutely no idea.

WARRIOR: How old are you now?

DOCTOR: Ah, I don't know. I lose track. Twelve hundred and something, I think, unless I'm lying. I can't remember if I'm lying about my age, that's how old I am. Have stope trying to count my age. Rose says if we know my age then we'll also know hers and you know how women are.

WARRIOR: Four hundred years older than me, and in all that time you've never even wondered how many there were? You never once counted?

DOCTOR: Tell me, what would be the point?

DOCTOR 10: Two point four seven billion.

WARRIOR: You did count!

DOCTOR 10: You forgot? Four hundred years, is that all it takes? On the worst night of our life, we counted or have forgotten about that too? 7 years, doctor,7. Don't tell me you have forgotten. And if you have then for gods sake you don't deserve her.

DOCTOR: I have not forgotten. Don't you dare say that. I moved on. I am finally happy for once and your whole regret over every small thing gone awry is not going to make me go back to my past.

DOCTOR 10: I...I don't know what to say

DOCTOR: How many times have you been thinking about it? Tell me. You haven't been. We are happy and don't try to ruin it. I am still heartbroken about it but my life does not revolve around it. I have a family to look after.

WARRIOR: I don't know who you are, either of you. I haven't got the faintest idea.

MOMENT: They're you. They're what you become if you destroy Gallifrey . The man who regrets and the man who forgets. Not always. You are happy but not completely because of what you did but right know you can decide. Decide and give yourself real happiness. The moment is coming. The Moment is me. You have to decide.

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