Part 2

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[Tower dungeons]

WARDER: Come on, you lot, get in there.
(The warder leaves, shutting the door behind him. The Doctor finds a piece of metal bar and starts scratching on a stone pillar.)
DOCTOR: Three of us in one cell? That's going to cause some nasty anomalies if we don't get out soon.
DOCTOR 10: What are you doing?
DOCTOR: Getting us out.
(The Warrior is using his sonic screwdriver on the wooden door.)
DOCTOR 10: The sonic won't work on that, it's too primitive.
DOCTOR: Shall we ask for a better quality of door so we can escape?
DOCTOR 10: Okay, so the Queen of England is now a Zygon. But never mind that. Why are we all together? Why are we all here? Well, me and Chinny, we were surprised, but you came looking for us. You knew it was going to happen. Who told you?
(Moment Rose is holding a finger to her lips.)
DOCTOR: Oi, Chinny?
DOCTOR 10: Yeah, you do have a chin.
DOCTOR: I'll have you know Rose likes my chin very much.
DOCTOR 10:She is just humouring you.

[Under Gallery]

(The stone dust is being analysed.)
OSGOOD: Marble, granite. A lot of different stone, but none of it from the fabric of the building. It's like somebody smashed up a lot of old statues. Are there any missing?
MCGILLOP: Don't think so. Why would anyone do that, anyway? I mean, I know we're meant to keep an open mind, but are we supposed to believe in creatures that can hide in oil paintings and have some sort of a grudge against statues? You all right?
(Osgood uses her inhaler.)
OSGOOD: We have to go, right now, this minute.
MCGILLOP: What's wrong?
OSGOOD: The things from the paintings. I know why they smashed the statues.
OSGOOD: Because they needed somewhere to hide.
(The nearby statues raise their dust sheets. Zygons! They attack McGillop first, and Osgood runs.)

[National Gallery]

(Osgood gets into the National Gallery and shuts the door, but a Zygon smashes through the painting of Elizabeth and the tenth Doctor. She gets into the open lift but it will not move, so she slumps in the far corner.)
OSGOOD: The Doctor and Rose Tyler will save me. The Doctor and Rose Tyler will save me. The Doctor and Rose Tyler will save me. The Doctor and Rose Tyler will save me. The Doctor and Rose Tyler will save me.
(The Zygon transforms.)
OSGOOD-Z: Excuse me. I'm going to need my inhaler. I so hate it when I get one with a defect. Ooo, you've got some perfectly horrible memories in here, haven't you? So jealous of your pretty sister. I don't blame you. I wish I'd copied her.
OSGOOD: So do I!
(The Zygon is standing on the end of Osgood's scarf, so she gives it a sharp tug and down goes her duplicate, allowing her to escape.)
OSGOOD-Z: Oh, for goodness sake.

[Tower environs]

KATE: The Doctor will be trying to send us a message. We're looking for a string of numerals from around 1550, approximately. Priority One. I'm going to need access to the Black Archive.

[Black Archive corridor]
CLARA: What's the black archive?
ROSE: The Black Arc-
KATE: The Black Arc-
ROSE: Go ahead, Kate.
KATE: The Black Archive. Highest security rating on the planet. The entire staff have their memories wiped at the end of every shift. Automated memory filters in the ceiling. Access, please.
ATKINS: Ma'am.
(Kate hands him her key.)
KATE: Atkins, isn't it?
ATKINS: Yes, ma'am. First day here.
KATE: (sotto) Been here ten years.

[Black Archive]

CLARA: Lock and key? Bit basic, isn't it?
ROSE: They can't afford electronic. Go to keep my husband out. The whole Tower is TARDIS proof. He hates it.
CLARA: But you let me and Rose in.
KATE: You both have a top level security rating. We trust Dr. Tyler more than the Doctor.
ROSE: Only because a turn a blind eye to the stuff in there.
KATE: We won't use it for anything bad.
ROSE: I know Kate. Why do you think I ignore it?
KATE: You have top level rating from your last visit.
ROSE: You brought her in here?!
CLARA: Sorry, my what?
KATE: Apologies. We have to screen all of your known associates, Ma'am . We can't have information about you, the Doctor and the Tardis falling into the wrong hands. The consequences could be disastrous.
CLARA: What is that?
ROSE: A vortex manipulator. A cheap form of time travel invented in 51st century. This belonged to my good friend Jack Harkness. We got him a new improved by the Doctor version. I assume you got this on the occasion of his death. Well one of them anyway.
KATE: Yes we did. Although we cannot let anyone know we have this.
CLARA: Why not?
KATE: Think about it. Americans with the ability to rewrite history? You've seen their movies.
ROSE: You don't have to worry about that.
KATE: Why?
ROSE: Have you been able to get it to work?
KATE: That's exactly what I was going to tell you. We haven't been able to get it to even switch on.
(Rose takes the he manipulator, fiddles with. It switches on.)
KATE: How..??
CLARA: Don't ask. I doubt she'll tell you.
(Rose laughs)
CLARA:Okay, so this is how we're going to rescue the Doctor.
KATE: I'm not sure there's enough power for a two-way trip.
ROSE: Don't worry about it Kate.
(Her phone rings.)
KATE: Yes? Well, if you've found it, photograph it and send it to my phone.
(Clara spots Osgood and McGillop.)
CLARA: Er, Kate? Should they be here? Why have they followed us?
KATE: Oh, they've probably just finished disposing of the humans a bit early.
CLARA: The humans?
KATE: Dear me. I really do get into character, don't I?
(Kate spits some venom at Clara, then transforms into a Zygon.)
ROSE: A Zygon.(whispers to Clara)Hold on to me tightly.
OSGOOD-Z: The Under Gallery is secured.
ZYGON: Prepare to dispose of two more humans.We have acquired the device.
(Rose and Clara disappear.)

Sorry this is pretty short.
Will upload more tomorrow or today in som hours.Depends.

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