Chapter 12

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My heels clicked along the floor on the way down to the ballroom. My hands were sweating with nervousness and I fanned myself in hopes of cooling down.

This was a ball arranged by the royal family themselves so I was beyond grateful that they hosted this for me. It was my coming of age ball.

As the main reason for the ball, I was supposed to be last. But since four of the five royal family members would be attending, I was supposed to be second to last. Who was my escort? The younger prince himself.

When we were planning for the ball, I had no intention of being escorted by anyone. But as soon as the topic came up, Tsukasa refused anyone but himself to be my escort.

In normal circumstances, I would have disapproved at all cost. But Tsukasa had brought it up in the conversation so casually that I hadn't known what to say.

The imperial family looked at him as if he'd done something outrageous. And for him, he did.

He simply shrugged it off as a normal day occurrence. Maybe the slightest of dusting of pink on his cheeks.

Everyone was too scared to point it out though.

I decided to wear a large royal blue dress to match the color Nene was wearing today. She was the one who thought of it. My shoes were the odd one out apart from my dress. Their color was white.

I took a deep breath in before I turned the corner to where Tsukasa was. Without my knowledge, I held my breath at the sight and Tsukasa's figure perked up at my arrival.

"Oh! (Y/n)! We match!" He said happily with closed eyes. I hadn't realized it then, but I slowly began to notice how Tsuasa would smile more around the people he knew and cared for. I could also distinguish his fake smiles from his real ones. It hurt me to see his fake smiles. No one should have to do that.

My heart jumped in my chest and heat swarmed my cheeks. Yes, I was aware of the feeling. But I shook my head and beamed at the boy in the matching royal blue suit. "Really? I thought I was matching with Nene?"

"No? She's wearing a gold dress to match with Amane's...But Amane was the one who told me to wear the royal blue suit. I didn't realize you and I would be matching. Do you want me to change?" He asked while he tilted his head ever so slightly. He was like a child in some instances, but that just added to his character.

My eyes widened at his question. He would do that for me? I was the one who would need to change. He was royalty after all. But instead, I wouldn't mind matching with him especially. "N-No!" I waved my hands in the air to emphasize my wants. "You really don't have to do that." My arms fell to my side and I sighed. Walking up to the boy from the other side of the hallway.

"Good!" He chuckled. "Because I wasn't going to." I gawked at the boy as he held his arm out for me to take. The gentlemanly action did not suit the words he had spoken prior. I took a deep breath in before I hooked my arm over his own, walking through the doors that lead to the ballroom.

"Now for the lady of the evening, being escorted by prince Tsukasa Yugi himself, (Y/n) Azon!" The man at the side of the door announced with a big smile. He seemed to be really happy with his job. All he had to do was talk loudly.

The nobles around us began smiling and bowing out of respect for Tsukasa, but as for me, I got a few nods of acknowledgment which was better than nothing.

Many clicks were heard due to a woman's heals through the crowd and I saw Nene's head peak up before she embraced me with a tight hug. "How's it feel to be an official lady of a house now? Good right? Right?" She jumped around in circles before finally looking me in the eye. I could see prince Amane in the distance, maneuvering his way through the crowd instead of forcing people out of his way, unlike his future wife.

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