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The imperial knights burst into my family's library as I was sitting on the floor with a book on my lap. What did they want? I had no clue. My tired eyes looked at them lazily.

They were expecting something a bit different. Their swords were drawn, but when they took one look at me, they noticed that I wasn't going to resist, so they sheathed them.

"You are ordered to report to the imperial palace immediately. You leave your things here. You will not be returning." The knights started talking amongst themselves and one of them approached me.

With each thing, he listed off, my eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, what?"

I'm back guys! It's been a bit for my TBHK fans :) I came back with another fanfic of Tsukasa mainly because all of the Korean webcomics influenced me with their setting.

I want you to keep in mind as you read, Tsukasa is older in this book. He is 16-17 years old and it is appropriate for marriage and engagements at this setting era for their age. So Tsukasa will be acting like more of a logical thinking human being, but there will be parts in this book where his true chaotic nature comes out.

So a while back I decided to write one with my friend @Mintsuchii_ and that's still in the works. It's called "Sun and stars " so make sure to read that before you read this.

So, since I loved writing that fic so much I decided to make one on my account :) it's still in my planning stage and I need to finish planning it so I will set the updating date for every Friday.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! I will try my best to make it a good experience for you <3 .
Original Release date: January 12 2021 (still can't believe it's 2021. Thank gosh 2020 ended.)

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