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It wasn't just a normal evening on the ARK, on this very day. A new organism was supposed to wake up in their labs today. It would help to change the world forever.

"Is everything set up in the lab?" Gerald Robotnik asked one of his workers. "Yes sir, everyone is in place and ready for whatever might happen next." he replied. All of them walked into the designated lab where everyone was supposed to meet for this event. Maria Robotnik who was a beautiful 5-year-old girl at the time was looking around the corner into the lab. She was more than excited to know what was going on.

"Release it!" Gerald demanded. A few other scientists were at the main controls before pressing buttons and typing into a computer. A huge tube made a loud noise releasing air into the room. It had opened up entirely, smoke escaping into the atmosphere, making everyone cough and wave it away from their faces.

After a few minutes of waiting, a hand rose out of the opening. Another followed. Then after a minute of hesitation, a head popped out. Carefully, the creature exited the tube, shakily, trying to come to grips with its existence, stretching out and yawning. "Ah, yes! It's more beautiful than I imagined!" Gerald replied, seeing his experiment come to life and walk towards him.

"Who are you little one?" he asked it. The bright white hedgehog got down on one knee, their head slightly bowed, and looking at the scientist after addressing their master. "I am Experiment 1290, created to help humanity, you are Gerald Robotnik. My creator and my master. I am to serve you and grant you one wish." they replied. "Remind me the basic notes on this wonderful creature?" Gerald asked. "Of course," a worker replied. "According to our files, Age: has none, but it wouldn't matter. You made her immortal. Gender: Female. You made her carry an endless amount of Chaos energy. Can swipe memories and powers from all organisms out there. Gerald Robotnik, you have created... The Ultimate Life Form."

Dr. Gerald Robotnik laughed enthusiastically, satisfied with his unique creation. "Yes! She's perfect! My, my, my. What are we going to call you?" he asked looking at her. The creation carefully stood up trying to look around her new world.

Meanwhile, Maria was awing over this new thing that suddenly appeared in her home the ARK. Not thinking about any of the consequences, she walked into the lab, no one noticed her immediately walk up to the white hedgehog, happily smiling as she gave her a huge hug.

Taken off guard, the hedgehog barely shivered, startled by the little blonde girl. "You're so pretty!" she said, touching the hedgehog's quills.

"Maria, what are you doing here?" Gerald asked, approaching his granddaughter. "Sorry grandpa, but I wanted to see the new experiment!" she whined. Gerald chuckled playfully and picked her up from the ground. "You should be resting. But I completely understand. This is our newest project. But we haven't quite decided what to call her. We've been debating on a name. He placed her back down and allowed her to approach the hedgehog who figured out that the little girl was supposed to be someone who she would serve.

The bright white hedgehog had dark purple tints at the ends of her quills, she wore special boots with metal taps on the bottom, her eyes were teal, she wore a leather jacket, shorts, and she had a moon birthmark on her shoulder. "Luna!" Maria replied. "I like the name, Luna! Please!" she begged, tugging on the leather jacket.

As he looked to his other coworkers, no one was objective to the name. "Alright then, I reckon that'll work!" he said.

Once it was addressed what her name was, he carefully approached his new creation. "Now, Experiment 1290, that is no longer your name. From here forward, you shall be known as, Luna. Luna the Hedgehog. The Ultimate Life Form. You, my friend, are going to change the world. I just know it." he explained, smiling at Luna.

"What is my first assignment?" she asked intently. "Your first task is to stay with Maria. She needs you by her side at almost every moment. I will call you when I need you." he replied. Luna nodded her head and looked to the child she was supposed to defend and serve. "Come on! I want to show you everything!" Maria told her, dragging her by the arm.

After the duo was gone, one of the scientists approached his side. "So, I'm presuming Project Luna is a go?" he asked the Doctor. "Yes. It most certainly is!"

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