chapter thirty-four

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'it's time'

ISABELLE AND DYLAN were chilling on the big sofa in dylan's living room, with milo curled up and snoring on isabelle's lap

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ISABELLE AND DYLAN were chilling on the big sofa in dylan's living room, with milo curled up and snoring on isabelle's lap. 'tangled' was playing on the TV, they had been watching it in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company up until now.

"iz, do you think it's time?" dylan spoke, cuing isabelle to lift her head up from his shoulder, looking up at him.

"time for what?" she asked, a smile smile curling onto her lips while he ran his fingers through her long, blonde hair.

"time to. . . ya know. confirm our relationship. like, officially officially," he replied slightly nervously, his fingers playing with her hair out of habit. "i mean, we kinda already have and we're not good at keeping it secret," he pointed out with a chuckle. "it's pretty obvious, everyone basically knows already."

"yeah you have a point," isabelle agreed, laughing slightly, "we really fucked ourselves over in that buzzfeed video."

"yeah, we did," he chuckled, nodding in agreement as he rubbed his face with his hands. "i just don't think there's a point in hiding it anymore because we can't. and your tweet last night, it wasn't exactly..."

"alright, i know it was a bad move. i had a few glasses of wine and you didn't stop me!" isabelle cut him off, whining slightly as she gently flicked his forehead with her finger.

"i didn't know you were gonna tweet it!" he defended himself, sitting up a bit as both of them started laughing. their movements woke milo up, and he gave them a death stare before jumping off the sofa and heading over to his dog bed, laying there instead.

"yeah, yeah. still could've stopped me," the blonde pouted, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "but yeah, you're right. it's just. . . scary."

"yeah i know. but i'm sick of not being able to brag about how fucking amazing my girlfriend is!" he exclaimed dramatically.

"oh, stop it you," isabelle rolled her eyes, hiding her face in his chest in attempts to disguise the blush creeping onto her cheeks. dylan laughed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 ¹ ( dylan o'brien ) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now