chapter one

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"well someone looks lonely"

 REAL LIFE"well someone looks lonely"

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ISABELLE RYDER WAS SICK. sick of the 'no's, sick of the 'sorry's and the 'maybe next time's. she had the vocals. she could dance. she had the songwriting skills and a whole journal full of potential singles. she was even pretty, since that was unfortunately important in becoming a female star. but alas, none of it had gotten her anywhere. and after two solid months of trying, she had gotten to the point of assuming she simply wasn't good enough.

it was quite convenient that there was a club right next door to the office building she had just been to. and what better to do after another horrible day full of rejection and disappointment than get drunk off her ass and wallow in self pity?

the blonde slumped herself down at a table in the back corner of the club near the bar for easy access to more drinks. it was currently only seven pm, but this was LA, so the club was moderately busy. most people were on the dance floor grinding on each other, unsurprisingly. isabelle however, she was in that lonely dark corner, drinking her third vodka and coke.

she didn't know how much time had passed before she was pulled out of her thoughts by the irritating ping of her phone. she placed her drink down on the table in front of her, the glass clinking against the wood, her hand moving to reach for her phone out of her bag. glancing over the notification, an audible groan slipped from her lips:

'How'd it go, little sis?'

isabelle rolled her eyes, the last thing she wanted to do right now was to have to tell her family that she'd had yet another rejection, to be told once again that she should go back home. so, she did what she knew how to do best, ignore the problem by turning off her phone completely. she could jump that hurdle later. right now, it was time to wallow without rude interruption.

"well, someone looks lonely,"

so much for no interruption. isabelle didn't lift her gaze to look up at who the masculine voice belonged to, from where it was fixated on the remainder of the vodka and coke mix in her glass, her fingers rubbing away the cold condensation on the outer part.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 ¹ ( dylan o'brien ) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now