An Annoyance

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"Tommy!" I yelled. I was searching everywhere and still couldn't find him. When I say everywhere I mean everywhere. I even climbed around the large hill behind Logstedshire. "Where else could he be...?" I mumbled, walking back towards my cabin. Maybe Aster could track that boy down.

That's when I heard it, the breathy sounds of the Nether portal. I turned. Oh.

Without a second thought I jumped into it, a strange tingling feeing crawling up my limbs as I was transported to... hell. After a few seconds the noises quieted and I carefully stepped out, glancing around. It was significantly hotter and I was glad I was in my T-Shirt. I spotted an obsidian bridge leading across the vast oceans of lava and decided that has to be the way to go. I hummed, walking along but staying vigilant. After all, I didn't have any weapons with me. After a few moments the red mist that had been shrouding my vision cleared, revealing a silhouette I knew all too well.

I opened my mouth, wanting to call to the blonde when I was blocked by another person. One I wasn't too fond of.



I stared at his lifeless mask, "Can I speak to Tommy, please?"


I glared, "I'll break your mask."

He brought out an enchanted netherite axe, simultaneously motioning to similar armor he wore."You sure?"

I blinked, "Fine, I won't," I tried to shove past him to no avail. "Let me see my friend."

He shoved me back slightly, glaring. "No. You made a mockery of me. Do you know what would happen if people found out I got bested by someone like you?"

"Yeah, yeah. Suck it up, green man. It's not my problem."

"Oh, but it is. You see, first you ruin my reputation as being a threat to Tommy. Second, you gave him hope that he'll be able to get back to his 'home'. You're in my way. Do you want to know what happens to people who are in my way?"

I stepped back as he approached. "Not really, no thanks."

"I get rid of them."

He swung at me with his blade, hitting me in the thigh as I tried to jump back. I hissed lowly, realizing that I had no where to really run. He had to have planned this. He knew I'd come here. Shit, what do I do.

"C'mon, Dream," I limped backwards as he approached. "Surely we can talk about this?"

He ignored me and swung again, grazing my stomach purposely.

I gasped, falling backwards. "Actually, you're a fucking bitch! I'm a child. Plus, you have a huge advantage. You're being a little bitch." Pain coursed through me and I clutched my wounds.

"And you're being an annoyance." He grabbed the collar of my shirt, dragging me upwards and forced me to stare at him. I could just make out what was behind him and could've sworn I saw my dear friend staring in horror. "Bye bye."

"Wait- wha-" he dropped me over the edge.

Searing pain hit my back as I fell into the lava. It spread across my body and within a few moments I was shrouded in darkness. All I could do was assume I was dead. Until the smell of spruce overwhelmed me and I could hear a voice. Louder and clearer and ever before.

The same voice I've been ignoring for so long.

The cryptic one from my childhood.


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