Scouting the New Neighbors

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     The next day I went back and decided to scout out their camp to see what these travelers were about. It seemed that they had set up a tent over looking the ocean from a small hill. I left Aster at home and carried my newly forged diamond sword in hand, in case I were to get attacked. I climbed the small mountain a bit to the right of the tent and looked down. It was quite early in the morning and the only light I could see came from the rising run and the embers rising from a small fire located not far from the small white tent. 

      I sat down in some precariously placed shrubs and let my legs dangle off the ledge of the cliff. I sheathed my sword into it's place on my back and reached into my satchel for my canteen, taking a swig of water. After a few minutes, I saw movement outside the tent as the blonde boy walked to the fire. I watched as he added some more wood to it and placed some sticks of salmon near it to roast the fish. He then looked up and waved in the distance as the masked man and strange being came from the sea on a oak boat.  

     His yell carried through the wind and I could just hear it, "Hey, Ghostbur!"

     Ghostbur? That's a curious name. Wait, perhaps he's a ghost. That would explain why he seemed transparent and why he could float. I still wonder what the masked one's name is though. 

     I heard a small echo of a voice carry through the air, "Hello, Tommy." 

     Tommy must be the blonde boy then. Interesting. Why was he completely alone, though? And where are they coming from? All sorts of questions ran through my head as I sat staring at them as they united at the beach. 

     I shrunk back into the bushes when the masked man stared in my direction. How strange. I would imagine I'd be far away enough to go unnoticed. I watched as he tapped Tommy's shoulder and pointed over in my direction, shit shit shit shit shit...

      Please, please don't see me. I would like to live...

     I watched Tommy just bat the man's hand away, saying something to him. The armored one then raised his hand higher and yelled at the boy. 

      "Tommy!" he laughed loudly, "I swear I saw someone." 

      "Jeez. These people sure are loud..." I mumbled to myself as I watched then. 

     I then saw them walk down towards the right side of the bay as the ghost was building some kind of camp. 

     I pulled my feet below me and crouched as I scurried away, leaving to hunt some food before heading home. "What strange people."

Tommy Innit X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now