One Eternity Later...

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It's been about a year, since Nova, Eden, Hydra, Puma, and Chrome have graduated from the academy, their pilots were also transferred to the Shatterdome where all the jaegers lived, Eden and Nova had to say their goodbyes to the others, but that never meant they lost contact with each other...

At The Seattle
Eden was just fidgeting with a metal container, till one of the members there told him to put it down since they are going to need it, he put I down on top of the truck that they were going to put it on anyway to transport it, they thanked him and left, Eden was bored out of his mind, he couldn't contact Nova because the generator in his dome was having troubles working, and so the repair crew was checking on it, meanwhile the jaegers would have to standby, since they couldn't do anything to help, they would just stay still like a statue...
"There you are." Said Abyss with a bit of a smile in her *thought they have no mouth...*
"Hey mom..." Eden said with a bit of boredom in his voice...
"And what got you so gloomy?" Said Abyss with a bit of concern...
"I'm just bored, I can't contact anyone till the generator is fixed, and I can't help the workers here due to our size, I kinda miss everyone..." said Eden knowing that he can't lie to his mother...
"That's a nice thought sweety, but we just have to be a bit more patient..." said Abyss trying to reassure her son...
"Yeah till then it's nothing more than wait, and waiting right now is boredom..." Eden said not ignoring his own self...
"You sound like your father when we first met..." said Abyss with one of her hands on her hip...
"Do I?" said Eden curiously...
"*Small laugh* He was nervous at first, once the generator here broke down for good and we had to wait a whole month with no energy, it was a tough time for the humans then, your father just stayed sit on the floor, doing nothing but thinking about life, as I went to join him, I realized he was actually sleeping, without making a sound..." said Abyss with a happy tone...
"How could sleep so soundly without moving?!" Said Eden not believing his father's ability...
"How he could? How he still can? Every night is so peaceful I don't even know if it is your father anymore..." Abyss said with a bit of laughter in her voice...
They laugh there for a moment, then Eden gets up and hugs his mother out of love...
"Thanks mom, I'll go for a walk since there is nothing I can do here." Eden said being truthful...
"Just be careful, the activity of rogue groups is increasing, first sign you see of one, you run back here." Said Abyss being serious...
"Yes ma'am..." Said Eden jokingly...
"Eden..." Abyss said being even more serious than before...
"Don't worry mom, I'll be okay, besides they don't come near the Seattle, they're always busy doing who knows what in the outskirts of the city..." Eden said just trying to make a point...
"If you get hurt and we have to come and save you, you're grounded for a month mister." Abyss said in that "serious mother" state...
(I think everyone by now knows/experienced this one)
"Okay, I get the message, but don't worry no one is dumb enough to get THIS close to the Seattle..." Eden said not trying to challenge his mother's words...
And Eden started leaving the Seattle...

(Eden's P.O.V.)
Mother was not wrong though, during our the time in the academy, local groups were being created and harvesting stupid amounts of metal and hardware, the PPDC are calling them the Salvagers, they apparently have stole a few things from the PPDC too along with some small hardware stores, some even say that they tried sabotaging a jaeger, but nobody really knows that for sure...
'Well this is better...' I thought as I walked through the sandy beaches near the Seattle, mother tells me never to go very far, due to the recent news and "activity", I walked about 2 km (in jaeger pace/size)...
Soon I just hear some clattering along the rocks, I thought it might be crabs, but then I realize crabs are ridiculously smaller than a jaeger, then I see a bunch of Scrappers, that have all sorts of shapes and sizes running towards me, I instantly start to run back to the Seattle, but they trip me and just start to knock me out, soon I just see all black...

The End


PSYCH! This is not the end but I wanted to post a chapter today no matter what...
Also sorry for the short chapter

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