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My second book-inspired poem!

Book: Departed | A Ninjago Novel

Author: squidneyxd

Okay, first of all, I want to tell you a little bit about this book.

Here we go:

iF yOu hAvEn'T rEaD tHiS bOoK yEt tHeN yOu aRe wAsTiNg yOuR LiFe!!!!

In my opinion, this book is a must read. It's particularly bound to catch the interests of the Ninjago fans who are in the Lloyd/Morro/Harumi category as these three are kinda the protagonists. But that doesn't mean the other Ninja are not given importance.

From why Jay was left for adoption to the return of the Overlord, this book covers all in an intriguing plot. Every character has a backstory that is connected to the others.

The wording is awesome, the plot is amazing and the story is captivating with torturous mysteries and puzzles that's bound to make you pull your hair out in frustration XD.

I had to write something on this.

This poem is from Harumi's point of view as the entire book basically revolves around her and her struggle to break her "cycle of destruction".

I've made it as vague as I can manage so that there are no spoilers.


Falling, taking my final breath
Running from the demons of death
Can my alliance with a ghost
Help me search for what I want most?

No chance to rest or to retire
Have to escape the chasm fire
Lost souls, looking for redemption
Breaking our cycles of destruction

Tragic stories of the mortals
Magic tea leaves and lost portals
Bring me back where it all started
From the realm of the departed

Broken hearts and shattered trust
I am always left in the dust
When will his green eyes look my way?
Silence snaps at me everyday

We are a part of a greater plan
Back up your feelings and hold my hand
Darkness looms over all that we know
You can't cut down what's bound to grow

Thieves have messed with the songs of fate
Lost my friend to the demon's hate
Like that, he left me broken hearted
Back to the realm of the departed

Let me be the one you save
From the heat of the final grave
Wake me up from this cursed nightmare
How could I've been so unaware?

It had always been at my door
The thing that I had been searching for
Allies turn into something more
Tied by the strings of the destined lore

Leading this gory and deadly fight
Will be the son of Oni and Light
I've come from dimensions uncharted
From the realm of the departed


"Shh . . . silence is beautiful . . ."
~ Princess Silent 👑

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