This is why we fight.

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Divine- Humans, no specific genetic wiring. Divine are the people that fight against the Others.

Others- Their genetic wiring is much different than Divine. There was a time in Republic history where members of each territory would have to get an injection which helped track each individual. But each time this was injected it damaged DNA little by little. Three generations later, Others were created.

At first, the injection would make people with anger issues and emotional problems such as depression and bipolar dissorder. And then after 75 years of the injection they found out that the injection they thought that would help save the seperating  territories was the one causing people to kill. They would get angry to the point of killing people.

Outcasts- Outcasts are humans, but they are the humans who have the Other gene. Outcasts are the offspring of an Other and a Divine. Its rare when that happens. It could also be offspring of an Outcast or Divine. They are emotionally unstable and can develop bipolar disorder. Outcasts aren't accepted in society because they can still turn into an Other and Others only use them to kill.

Others blackmail Outcasts to kill Divine so there can be a bigger Others society and they can take over basically the world. Divine want to kill Outcasts so that the Others population doesn't grow. And sometimes they are killed by rape as well. Two bird with one stone. So no matter what, they are in total danger.

Damaged Outcasts or DO's- These are Outcasts that have survived Other warehouses. These warehouses are a mixture of mental abuse, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. But usually sexual abuse because again you kill two birds with one stone. Only 1.2% of Outcasts survive the warehouses. But .5% survive life after. Most of them kill themselves. Or die of diseases that were in the warehouses.

The Awoken- Outcasts that have been activated and then deactivated. To be deactivated you cannot kill for 72 hours which is almost impossible because Others are anger driven. Rage driven. It's actually too hard to beat.

Sometimes Outcasts are registered as Divine because we want to fight right by them. The only way we can become Others is if we kill an Outcast or a Divine. Which is something they usually don't think they would ever do.

So Elizabeth, the girl that died by rape, was an Outcast. No one knows who did it. But I can put down money that it was a Divine. She didn't deserve it and neither does any Outcast.

That's why we fight.

Hi for the second time today! That was still in Giuls point of view so if you were confused. I wrote that so you can understand a little bit clearer.


P.S. Read it again and watch out for phrasing.

And there is a video for a domestic abuse hotline. There are people out who want to help and all you have to do is dial. Don't be scared anymore and call. Don't feel alone either. Talk to someone. They'll figure out a way to help you. So don't be afraid.


P.S.S. I'm at 215 views. Thank you for coming back!!

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