You don't need to be 'perfect'.

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Note: I've decided to do a "Cursed/random ship" thing, so using a wheel I spin two random characters to write. the ships will be romantic/platonic. depending on the characters. This is 1/12 'Cursed ship chapters. Please enjoy!


Another hunt done. Gretchen huffed, catching that pinata was quite irritating. Gretchen shoved the door of her shop  'Gretchens Fetchems' open. As she walked in with the pinata in her arms; she placed them down on the countertop and kicked the door closed.

Pulling out her alert system, she sent the gardener an alert about catching the pinata. she didn't want to set that pinata free after spending so long catching it.

She went to the back and put the pinata into a cage. walking back to the front, just in time for another Gardener to walk in and request a pinata. "I need a buzzenge, you can go ahead and take your time about it.." The Gardener said calmly.

"Mhm.. I'll get that done. Oh, keep me in mind when you get into the whole menagerie thing.." Gretchen said in her usual low tone, she waved lightly as the gardener left the shop. She waited a moment until she was sure they were gone. Letting out a groan of annoyance, she went to grab the things she'd need for the hunt.

Shoving the room open, she stomped out and began walking out towards the jungle area. Passing a few gardeners and shop keepers along the way. She only stopped when she heard her name being called out, "Ah! Hello Ms Gretchen! how are you doing this fine day?" Bart's voice rang out, Bright as usual. "I'm fine...what about you?" Gretchen replied,

"I'm great!" He laughed out, "Oh! i wanted to ask, if you weren't too busy.. would you like to join me for a cup of coffee? I can tinker some up now infact!" He said with a smile. Gretchen stared at him thinking, she didn't have to catch the pinata right now exactly. and she could use a hot cup of coffee right about now..   "Sure, I suppose I could.." she shrugged.  his smile grew wider "Oh goodie! Do come in, I'll get the acorns!" He said happily.


As made her way inside the hut she looked around, She never had enough time to visit the tinkers home, or she didn't care enough to visit. His hut was quite nice, It had a small natural themed kitchen, with ivy plants decorating a few of the cabinets. there was a counter in the middle of the kitchen, it had some succulents and a small pot of buttercups on top of said counter.

She took a seat at the counter and watched as bart reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out two acorns, he stopped for a moment "Oh! would you like some carrot cake as well?" He asked, putting the acorns down on the counter. "No thanks." Gretchen grumbled, Bart nodded and began to hover his hands over one of the acorns. putting his focus on tinkering; a glowing rainbow light surrounded the acorn until it wasn't visible. a few moments later the light disappeared. bart moved his hands away, revealing the newfound steaming cup of coffee.

"Here ya go!" he said, sliding the cup of coffee to Gretchen. "Thanks." she sighed, picking up the coffee and taking a drink. The coffee was hot and pretty good. As finished tinkering his own coffee, he looked at Gretchen. He could tell that she was stressed about something and it worried him.

"Is everything okay..? You seem quite a bit bothered..." he said softly, his smile failing as he wait for an answer.  Gretchen raised an eyebrow, "I'm fine.." she mumbled. Bart could tell that something was wrong. it was written all over her mask. -and her vibe.-

He sipped his coffee, humming a small tune. a few seconds later he began to talk again. "If something is bothering you.. you can always tell me, I assure you; I'm quite the good listener." he said softly. hoping that she'd trust him enough to tell him.. seeing people stressed, often bothered bart. especially if he thought he could help.

Gretchen sighed.. she paused staring at her coffee intensely. She wasn't worried about bart telling anyone, he didn't gossip with leafos or anyone else for that matter. but being hurt or stressed was something hard to talk about..

She looked up from her coffee and looked at bart. "I'm just stressed is all." she said.. "Do you wanna talk about why you're stressed..?" bart questioned, Gretchen stared at him, taking a second to think to herself.

"Things are just stressful... I'm the strong model who hunts pinatas for a living. I'm supposed to be strong all the time, I'm someone people look up to, sometimes it's just really hard.. It's hard to be the 'Most stylish hunter' or the 'beautiful model of pinata island'... And having to listen to leafos try to pull me into her gossip is enough to give me a migraine. i feel cramped so often, like everything is crushing me with stress that weighs as much as a Limeoceros.. the only time I can get away from the stress is when I hunt. and even then it can be annoying." She huffed, getting her emotions off her chest made her feel better.

Bart just stared at her, alittle surprised that she actually told him. He collected himself quickly. "Hm.." he hummed softly. "Why don't you make a list of what stresses you out, and every week you spend a day working on fixing it, taking a break or spending some time on the beach? or maybe in the jungle and have some time to yourself and meditate. and you don't have to be 'perfect'. it's more respectable to have flaws then nothing at all. what we've been through is what makes us.. well us. and as for leafos. why not take a break and go off somewhere whenever she shows up?" He said, trying his hardest to help.

"Those... are actually some good ideas.. hm.." She began thinking about what bart had said. finishing off her coffee she stood up. "Thanks for the coffee... Tinker." she said, "thanks for the advice too... I'll show myself out." She gave him a soft smile, as she walked towards the exit. "Anytime!" he called back in reply.

Gretchen walked outside and took a breath, as she calmed herself she began to walk down the path towards the jungle.

   "Time to hunt a buzzenge." she grinned.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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